Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of this work is: to analyze the possibilities of the shock wave front thickness measuring 1) in experimental flow visualization of the gas dynamic flow using various optical methods and 2) in the numerical simulation of supersonic gas flow. The results of the moving shock wave with Mach number up to M=4,5 digital recording are presented. Images were recorded on the base of shadow methods with different time exposures; using BOS (background oriented schlieren), interferometry, Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). It is shown that both in the experiment and in numerical calculations, the measured thickness of the shock wave front is determined by a set of flow parameters, including the shock wave velocity (relative to the grid or relative to the recorder); the medium viscosity (physical or schematic). The results of experimental measurements are influenced by exposure time, watching angle.

shock wave, density, flow, visualization, viscosity

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