GRNTI 50.07 Теоретические основы вычислительной техники
BBK 3297 Вычислительная техника
The paper deals with the elastic light scattering on spherical absorbing particles phenomenon and the method of its quantitative description in the framework of the theory of G. Mi. An algorithm for calculating the scattered radiation relative intensity in an arbitrary direction has been developed and a modeling 3D scattering indicatrices program has been obtained. The models of 3D indicatrix scattering laser linearly polarized radiation on transparent and absorbing spherical particles are presented. The analysis of the light absorption effect on the relative angular distribution shape of the scattered radiation intensity on particles of various sizes has been carried out.The dy namics of the scattering 3D indicatrix shape on an absorbing particle as its radius changes has been visualized. The potential areas of the program practical application have been identified. The factors limiting to use program for calculations of scattering on real particles systems has been revealed.
Rayleigh scattering, scatter indicatrices, computer 3D modeling, dynamics visualization
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