Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper proposes a mathematical model of the concept of grapheme, the main purposes of which are to formulate a strict definition of the concept of «grapheme» and to highlight the overall structure of images of the same characters. The construction of the grapheme is based on a continuous skeletal approach, which involves the construction of the skeleton of a binary image of the symbol with its subsequent regularization. We also use the constructed model for the problem of text recognition on a digital image. For this purpose, features based on vertex positions in the grapheme model are extracted from the model, and the classifier is trained on these features. It determines which class the grapheme selected from the binary image of one symbol belongs to. We also consider the method of processing the input image with text for better selection of characters, lines and words. The experiments show the performance of the proposed grapheme model. The classification algorithm shows results comparable with modern methods of text recognition.

optical character recognition, digital text image, digital font, grapheme, mathematical model, medial representation, aggregated skeleton graph

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