Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation
GRNTI 50.07 Теоретические основы вычислительной техники
BBK 3297 Вычислительная техника
The level of quality of the wireframe model obtained in the first stage of solving the problem of restoring the image of a non-planar object depends on the completeness of using the classes of graphic information used to synthesize a 3D model according to the technical drawing. In cases where the drawing is quite simple and allows you to read complete information about the object by existing procedures of automatic "reading the drawing", it is possible to restore the frame models that are fully consistent with the synthesized object. They can be used immediately for further transformations to other types of 3D models. Such frame models are characterized by the fact that all the vertices and edges included in their structure belong to the surface of the desired object. But in most practical cases, when the simulated objects correspond to real products and their technical drawing is full of difficult to formalize information, in the structure of frame models built according to standard procedures, due to a number of objective reasons, there are false geometric elements, i.e. those that are not on the surface of the desired 3D object. This leads to the ambiguity of the restoration of a unique wireframe model corresponding to the object specified in the technical drawing, and requires the development of procedures to avoid the multiplicity of solutions.
geometric modeling, technical drawing, orthogonal projections, wireframe model objects, false geometric elements, boundary model
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3. Kotov, I. I. Algoritmy mashinnoy grafiki / I.I. Kotov, V.S. Polozov, L.V. Shirokova. – M.: Mashinostroenie, 1977. – 232 s.
4. Moshkova, T.V. Problema sinteza modeli 3D ob'ekta po ego proekcionnym izobrazheniyam. Analiticheskiy obzor / Moshkova, T.V., S. I. Rotkov, V. A. Tyurina // Nauchnaya vizualizaciya, 2018, tom 10, nomer 1, str. 135- 156, DOI: 10.26583/sv.10.1.11
5. Tyurina, V.A. Razrabotka metodov preobrazovaniy karkasnoy modeli v zadache sinteza obraza 3D-ob'ekta po ego proekciyam : Dis. kand. tehn. nauk: 05.01.01 / V.A. Tyurina. – N. Novgorod, 2003. – 170 s.