, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
GRNTI 50.07 Теоретические основы вычислительной техники
BBK 3297 Вычислительная техника
This paper presents practical experience in constructing stereo presentations of texts and formulas on an autostereoscopic monitor in stereo presentations designed to display the results of numerical simulation. The task of constructing stereo images of texts and formulas is a structural subtask of a general study devoted to the development of methods and algorithms for constructing stereo presentations of the results of scientific research. This paper discusses the construction of stereoscopic images on an autostereoscopic monitor. The autostereoscopic monitor allows one to observe a stereo image without glasses, while ensuring the quality of the stereo image, which is not inferior to the quality of the stereo image, presented using a classic 3D projection stereo system. Various methods of obtaining stereo images supported by the monitor were tested, namely, the multi-view presentation of the object and the construction of depth maps. The results for both methods are presented.
stereo image, textual information, autostereoscopic monitor, multi-view presentation, depth maps
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