GRNTI 50.07 Теоретические основы вычислительной техники
BBK 3297 Вычислительная техника
Flexible elements are used for modeling of various hawsers, chains, ropes, tail-ropes and other elements in the programmes of simulation. Depending on a current task a set of requirements necessary for a flexible element modeling is formulated. The article presents two methods of rope, wire, cable designing in computer games programming environment Unity3D based on the use of primitive objects. The standard design method grounded in hinge joints employment is considered. The disadvantages of a standard method are noted and two new methods of modeling are offered. The developed methods consider the requirements necessary for the solution of the task at hand, they include the reality of a scene, the interaction with surrounding objects, the possibility to specify the function of a natural sag. Two methods of modeling are compared taking into account the implementation area of programs, the reflection of physical and geometrical properties of modelled entity and the reality of a scene. Both methods meet specified requirements, however it is expedient to use one of the methods for mobile scenes, such as games, exercise machines, simulators of processes, while the other fits better for static programmes.
3D modeling, computer graphics, flexible elements, ropes, cables, wires
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