, Russian Federation
ANO «Scientific and Research Center for Information in Physics and Technique»
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
GRNTI 50.07 Теоретические основы вычислительной техники
BBK 3297 Вычислительная техника
The object of the work is to compare and analyze external and internal exposure doses and assess damage to the population living around nuclear power plants with VVER-type reactors (on the Rostov and Kalinin nuclear power plants), within a certain radius, taking into account the wind rose. There will also be proposed measures for the possible addition and refinement of formulas. The method of calculating the doses of external and internal exposure, as well as damage to the population in the ring segment of rumba. External and internal exposure doses for Kalinin and Rostov NPPs have been considered. An assessment of material damage was conducted. A variant of the format of the atlas of risk assessments is proposed. Initial assumptions have been made regarding the discrepancy in the results obtained for both doses and damage. One of the possible reasons for the discrepancy in the results of calculating the dose and damage to the Kursk and Smolensk NPPs may be the difference in the terrain. We need to take this into account. By relief changes we mean not ravines and slopes, but hills, mountains, fields. Additionally, you can consider the type of terrain: steppes, forests, etc., although all this will contribute to the already quite a long distance from the nuclear power plant. In the future, it is planned to continue work on the atlas of risk assessments and think over its more convenient format.
Irradiation, dose, NPP, damage, population, safety data sheet, risk assessment atlas
1. On approval of a typical safety data sheet of a hazardousobject: [Order of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia No.506 of November 4, 2004]. - M., 2004. - 1 p.
2. Safety data sheet of the critical (dangerous) object ofRosatom: [order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations ofRussia No. 506 of November 4, 2004]. - M., 2006. - 9 p.
3. Methodology for assessing risk indicators for managing thesafety of critical (hazardous) facilities of ROSATOM: [Methodology: Approved by the First Deputy DirectorGeneral of the State Atomic Energy CorporationROSATOM for the nuclear weapons complex on March 29,2016]. - M., 2016. - 253 p.
4. Development of a list of safety management measures andassessment of risk indicators for NPPs with VVER-typereactors (Rostov NPP with a VVER-1000 reactor) /Kabanov L.P., Derevyankin A.A., Zhukov I.V., ChulkovaE.V., Berberova M.A. - M.: International Nuclear SafetyCenter, 2010. - 132 p.
5. Development of a list of safety management measures andassessment of risk indicators for NPPs with VVER-typereactors (Kalinin NPP with a VVER-1000 reactor) /Berberova M.A., Zhukov I.V., Ivanov I.V., ChulkovaYe.V., Tsykalo N.B. - M .: International Nuclear SafetyCenter, 2012. - 109 p.
6. Berberova M.A. Assessment of risk indicators for thesecond stages of Smolensk and Kursk NPP: dissertation forthe degree of candidate of technical sciences: 05.14.03 /Berberova Maria Aleksandrovna. - M., 2015. - 130 p.
7. Maksimov A.S., Berberova M.A., “Comparativeassessment of external and internal radiation doses andassessment of damage to the population living around NPPswith WWER-type reactors (using the example of Rostovand Kalinin NPPs)” / Maksimov A.S., Berberova M.A. //CPT-2017: Proceedings of the International ScientificConference - Protvino-Moscow: Ed. ICPT - P. 257-260.
8. Berberova M.A., Islamov R.T., Zaripov I.R., Lipatov A.A.,Lebedev K.Yu., Gridnev A.A., Burkhonov R.A., VoshchanI.O. Evaluation of risk indicators for NPPs with BN-600 andRBMK-1000 type reactors // Proceedings of theInternational Conference and Schools on the Resilience ofSociotechnical Systems ""Resilience2014"", November 25-28, 2014, Protvino, Drakino Park, Moscow Region. - Ed.ICPT, Protvino-Moscow, 2015, ISBN 978-5-88835-037-9,P.179-185.
9. Bykov N.K., Zolotarev S.S., Chernyavsky K.I., BerberovaM.A. Development of an atlas of risk indicators for RussianNPPs / N.K. Bykov, S.S. Zolotarev, K.I. Chernyavsky,M.A. Berberova // SCVRT2017: proceedings of theInternational Scientific Conference. - Protvino-Moscow:Ed. ICPT. - p. 85-89.
10. Chernyavsky K.I., Bykov N.K., Zolotarev S.S., BerberovaM.A. “Development of an Atlas of Estimates of RiskIndicators for Russian NPPs” // CPT-2018: proceedings ofthe International Scientific Conference. - ProtvinoMoscow: Ed. ICPT, p. 289-298.
11. Chernyavskiy K.I., Berberova M.A., Konstantinov M.V.,Tsykalo V.A. Development of an atlas of safety data sheetsfor Russian NPPs // CPT2019 Proceedings of theInternational Scientific Conference. - Nizhny Novgorod,2019: Ed. NNSUACE-SRCIPT, p. 209-216.