, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
GRNTI 47.01 Общие вопросы электроники и радиотехники
BBK 302 Проектирование
When planning a communication network, the main task is to collect the necessary information about the various components of the network and their influence on the degradation of speech quality. The results of simulation and analytical modeling the process of voice signal transmission in a real packet switched network are presented.
network planning, voice quality, E-model
1. Rekomendaciya MSE-T E.802. Principy i metodiki opredeleniya i primeneniya parametrov QoS. – 2007–02. – Zheneva : ITU-T, 2009. – 38 c.
2. Rekomendaciya MSE-T G.107. E-model' – vychislitel'naya model', ispol'zuemaya pri planirovanii peredachi. – 2015–06. – Zheneva : ITU-T, 2017. – 30 c.
3. ITU-T Recommendation G.113. Transmission impairments due to speech processing. – 2007–11. – Geneva : ITU-T, 2008. – 26 p.