, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
GRNTI 47.01 Общие вопросы электроники и радиотехники
BBK 302 Проектирование
The issue of modeling the electric field of a coaxial cable for the formation of students' competence in the ability to apply natural science knowledge and computer modeling methods in engineering is considered.
electric field model, electromagnetic compatibility, student teaching
1. Guseynova, T.I. Programmno-metodicheskiy kompleks dlya provedeniya zanyatiy po teorii elektromagnitnogo polya/ T.I. Guseynova, E.V. Parfenov // NITE-2003: mater. VI mezhdunar. nauch.-metod. konf. – Astrahan': Izd. AGTU, 2003. – S. 62-65.