Vladimir, Vladimir, Russian Federation
GRNTI 55.09 Машиностроительные материалы
To date, there are many problems in obtaining high-quality blanks for subsequent thermal and isothermal stamping. The issue of choosing a technology, developing appropriate technologies, and implementing them in enterprises is particularly acute. Existing technologies often do not meet modern requirements, economic and technological efficiency. In this regard, it is necessary to partially or completely review existing approaches to the selection and development of processing technologies.
Aluminum alloys, liquid metal, macro-and microstructures, pressure crystallization, control
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11. V. F. Korostelev, L. P. Khromova, and M. S. Denisov. Analysis of dependence of the properties of alloy V95 on the pressure applied to crystallizing metal, Metal Science and Heat Treatment, Vol. 59, Nos. 1 – 2, May, 2017.
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14. Denisov M. S., Korostelev V. F. automation of the process of forming aluminum alloys under pressure on the crystallizing metal, Problems of mechanical engineering and automation, no. 4, 2018. pp. 158-167.
15. Pat. 2563398 Russian Federation. Device for manufacturing internal combustion engine pistons / Korostelev V. F., Khromova L. P., Kilin V. M., Denisov M. S., Bolshakov A. E.; patent holder of the Vladimir state University named after Alexander Grigoryevich and Nikolai Grigoryevich Stoletov (VlSU). - No. 2013150436; application. 12.10.13 book; publ. 24.08.15.
16. Pat. 2657668 Russian Federation. Method for controlling the process of crystallization of aluminum alloys during injection molding/ Korostelev V. F., Denisov M. S., Bolshakov A. E.; patent holder of the Vladimir state University named after Alexander Grigoryevich and Nikolai Grigoryevich Stoletov (VlSU). - No. 2016119724; application. 20.05.16; publ. 14.06.18.
17. Pat. 2692149 Russian Federation. Method for obtaining ingots from deformable aluminum alloys / Korostelev V. F., Denisov M. S.; patent holder of the Vladimir state University named after Alexander Grigoryevich and Nikolai Grigoryevich Stoletov (VlSU). ‒ No. 2018133998; declared. 26.09.18; publ. 21.06.19.
18. Pat. 2692150 Russian Federation. The method of manufacture of piston blanks of hypereutectic silumin / Korostelev V. F., Denisov M. S., Kotov, G. A. ; patent holder of the "Vladimir state University named after Alexander Grigorievich and Nikolai Grigorievich Stoletovs" (VSU). ‒ No. 2018133997; declared. 26.09.18; publ. 21.06.19.