Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
GRNTI 55.13 Технология машиностроения
GRNTI 55.19 Резание материалов
Abstract: mechanical processing of ceramic materials in practice is a complex technological task, due to the high hardness and high fragility of the processed material. High-quality, high-performance grinding of ceramics requires a reasonable selection of operating parameters of the process, as well as determining factors that violate the integrity of the surface and deep layers of the processed material, which, in turn, will meet the high requirements for the production of batches of suitable semiconductor products. The author of the research performed a series of experiments on processing silicon carbide plates with varying cutting modes and conditions. The obtained research results will serve as a basis for formulating and making individual recommendations for processing silicon carbide structures to ensure the required quality of the surface layer with the proper level of process performance.
silicon carbide, abrasive treatment, quality of surface structures
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2. Alyokhin S. C. Formation of microcracks in the surface layers of silicon carbide plates during finishing abrasive treatment/ / LVII International scientific readings (in memory of B. G. Galerkin) - Moscow: EFIR,2019. - 98 c.