Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers the use of an unprofiled brush electrode for processing conjugate surfaces in intersecting channels, cleaning welds of non-rigid workpieces, and processing products obtained by casting

combined processing, electrode-brush, brush-brush, intersecting channels, transition areas, non-rigid products, cast blanks

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2. Kirillov O.N. Sposoby udaleniya zausencev i skrugleniya ostryh kromok na izdeliyah so slozhnoy geometricheskoy formoy / O.N. Kirillov, K.A. Nemtinov // Student, specialist, professional (SSP-2014): VII mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. Voronezh: Rossiyskaya akad. kosm. im. K.E. Ciolkovskogo, 2014. S. 164-175.

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