Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
GRNTI 83.31 Отраслевые статистики
The features of using control maps (traditional Shewhart maps and Hotelling maps) to assess the stability of uncorrelated and correlated controlled quality characteristics are considered.
checklists, maps, Charts, and maps of Hotelling, the average length of the series
1. GOST R ISO 7870-2 – 2015. Statisticheskie metody. Kontrol'nye karty. Chast' 2. Kontrol'nye karty Shuharta. – M.: Standartinform, 2016. – 46 s.
2. Uiler, D. Statisticheskoe upravlenie processami: Optimizaciya biznesa s ispol'zovaniem kontrol'nyh kart Shuharta / D. Uiler, D. Chambers: [per. s angl.]. – M.: Al'pina Biznes Buks, 2009. – 409 s.
3. Klyachkin, V.N. Mnogomernyy statisticheskiy kontrol' tehnologicheskogo processa / V.N. Klyachkin. – M.: Finansy i statistika, 2003. – 192 s.
4. Klyachkin, V.N. Modeli i metody statisticheskogo kontrolya mnogoparametricheskogo tehnologicheskogo processa / V.N. Klyachkin. – M.: Fizmatlit, 2011. – 195 s.
5. Adler, Yu.P. Kontrol'nye karty Schuharta / Yu.P. Adler, V.L. Shper // Metody menedzhmenta kachestva. – 2003. – №5. – S. 30 – 37.