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UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
GRNTI 10.09 История государства и права
OKSO 40.03.01 Юриспруденция
BBK 67 Право. Юридические науки
TBK 7513 История государства и права
BISAC LAW060000 Legal History
Alexander Fyodorovich Kerensky was an important figure in the political and revolutionary processes of the beginning of the last century. The author of the article is interested in considering the psychological nature of the personality and motivation of A.F. Kerensky, which led to decisions that influenced not only his fate, but also the further history of the country as a whole.
the Provisional Government, The State Duma, the February revolution, the revolutions of 1917, A.F. Kerensky
1. Arhipov I. A.F. Kerenskiy: P'ero iz revolyucionnoy skazki.
2. VIKIPEDIYa — svobodnaya enciklopediya.
3. Denikin A.I. Ocherki russkoy smuty. Krushenie vlasti i armii. Fevral' — sentyabr' 1917 g. — M., 1991. — S. 194–195.
4. Kerenskiy A.F. Poteryannaya Rossiya.
5. Kerenskiy A.F. Rechi.
6. Kerenskiy A.F. Rossiya na istoricheskom povorote: Memuary.
7. Nabokov V. Vremennoe pravitel'stvo // Arhiv russkoy revolyucii.
8. Nikolaev A.B. V poiskah Kerenskogo.
9. Saveliy Dudakov. Lenin' kak Messiya.
10. Tyutyukin S.V. Aleksandr Kerenskiy. Stranicy politicheskoy biografii (1905–1917).
11. Fevral'skaya revolyuciya i padenie samoderzhaviya. Vremennoe pravitel'stvo // Virtual'naya vystavka k 1150-letiyu zarozhdeniya rossiyskoy gosudarstvennosti.
12. Shidlovskiy S.I. Vospominaniya.