UDK 62 Инженерное дело. Техника в целом. Транспорт
UDK 65 Управление предприятиями. Организация производства, торговли и транспорта
GRNTI 55.01 Общие вопросы машиностроения
The results of research of features of basing of details in design and technological environments are given. It is proved that all the base surfaces of parts must be considered the main ones, so the resulting redundancy of connections increases the quality and is a source of problems.
Basing, redundant connections, reactions, quality, accuracy, performance
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2. Semenov A.N., Naumova S.A. Vliyanie zakonomernostey bazirovaniya detaley na funkcional'noe kachestvo i nadezhnost' mashin // Sborka v mashinostroenii, priborostroenii.- 2008. - № 12. - S. 3-8
3. Semenov A.N., Nepomiluev V.V. Uchet vzaimodeystviya detaley v sborochnyh sistemah kak sposob povysheniya kachestva i rabotosposobnosti // STIN, 2019. - № 2, - S. 24 – 28.