UDK 63 Сельское хозяйство. Лесное хозяйство. Охота. Рыбное хозяйство
The correct selection of species and varieties of perennial grasses for making of stable lawn herbages is an important task for the researchers. Research of lawn herbages was conducted for six years period on the experimental field of the Vyatka State Agricultural Academy. As a result, were specified domestic varieties of lawn grasses which suit for the conditions of the Kirov region and show resistance to adverse weather conditions observed during the years of research. Red fescue Sigma and meadow grass Vagant and Dar forming lawns from good to excellent quality. The number of shoots per unit area for the sixth year for these species and varieties is 12.6–15.9 thousand pieces per square meter, 6.5–6.8 thousand pieces per square meter and 4.1–5.0 thousand pieces per square meter respectively. These species and varieties can be recommended for making of stable single–species lawn herbages. The seeding rate can be reduced in comparison to the recommended one. Perennial ryegrass in the conditions of the Kirov region shows low winter hardiness, the number of shoots declines since the third year of life and the number of undesirable plant increases. However, the perennial ryegrass has superior lawns in the year of sowing. Therefore, this species can be used for the quick making of lawns with a usable life no more than two years.
lawn, quality of herbage, stable herbages, meadow grass, red fescue
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