Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
BISAC SCI043000 Research & Methodology
Product Sharing Contract with Gross Split scheme come up as an alternative solution for developing a healthy, fair and sustainable international oil and gas cooperation in Russian offshore. In the application, benefits will be optimal for all parties if all legal requirements and business interests are met. Regarding that, the monitoring process on PSC GS implementation is as crucial as the negotiation process in making suitable terms and conditions for both parties. However, the real problem is negotiation participants (representatives of parties) are not fully aware of all PSC elements, which causes long, uncertain, and repetitive discussion or even results in unfair domination of one party over another. This paper shows the design of the tree and expert analysis to help all parties understand PSC elements, sensitivities, and their interactions before entering negotiation process. The methodology used is a theoretical survey (analysis & synthesis) based on world practices and Russian economical, technical, and geological characteristics. The result depicts both analyses are important materials to prepare all parties for the effective decision making process as well as support the establishment of win-win contract details.
Production Sharing Contract (PSC), Gross Split (GS), Host-Government (HG), and International Oil Company (IOC)
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