Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The need to improve the level of mathematical in particular geometric training of students of technical universities is due to modern technologies of computer-aided design. They are based on mathematical models of designed products, technological processes, etc., taking into account a large variety of source data. Therefore, from the first years of technical universities, when studying the cycle of mathematical disciplines, it is advisable to interpret a number of issues in terms and concepts of multidimensional geometry. At the same time, the combination of constructive (graphical) algorithms for solving problems in descriptive geometry with analytical algorithms in linear algebra and matanalysis allows us to summarize their advantages: the constructive approach provides the imagery inherent in engineering thinking, and the analytical approach provides the final result. The article shows the effectiveness of combining constructive and analytical algorithms for solving problems involving linear and nonlinear forms of many variables using specific examples.

descriptive geometry, linear algebra, multidimensional forms - linear and nonlinear, constructive and analytical solutions, geometric model
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