student from 01.01.2018 to 01.01.2020
Rostov na Donu, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
UDK 33 Экономика. Экономические науки
GRNTI 06.81 Экономика и организация предприятия. Управление предприятием
GRNTI 06.52 Экономическое развитие и рост. Прогнозир-ние и планирование экономики. Экономич. циклы и кризисы
OKSO 38.04.01 Экономика
OKSO 38.07.02 Экономическая бехопасность
BBK 6505 Управление экономикой. Экономическая статистика. Учет. Экономический анализ
BBK 65 Экономика. Экономические науки
BISAC SOC050000 Social Classes & Economic Disparity
This article discusses the concept of business activity of an enterprise. It summarizes the many approaches to defining business activity among various authors into four main approaches. Determined the main features of the concept of business activity. A comprehensive definition of this economic category was formulated.
business activity, efficiency, production potential, characteristics of growth, dynamics of development, generalizing indicator of efficiency, complex content
1. Voitolovsky N.V. Comprehensive economic analysis of an enterprise / textbook for universities / - SPb .: Peter, 2010. - 576;
2. Sidorenko I.V. "Management of the activity of the personnel of the enterprise" - scientific scientific collection / article / - post-graduate student of the All-Russian Correspondence Financial and Economic Institute (Moscow) 2007;
3. Chuev I.N., Chueva L.N. Complex economic analysis of economic activity / textbook for universities / I.N. Chuev - M .: -Dashkov and K, 2015. – 368;
4. Sheremet A.D. Comprehensive analysis of economic activity / textbook. manual / A.D. Sheremet - M .: INFRA-M, 2015. – 415.