UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
BBK 58 Прикладные отрасли медицины
The article deals with objective and optional features of crimes with material and formal composition, with an emphasis on crimes that are more or less associated with the spread of infection. Attention is drawn to the fact that crimes with a formal composition do not require the establishment of a causal relationship. Various points of view on “danger” are considered as one of the fundamental criteria used in the qualification of crimes. The author emphasizes the ambiguity of the content of this concept, as well as the concepts of “threat”, “significance”, “mass character”, etc. It is concluded that there are gaps, ambiguities, and contradictions in the legislation and normative legal acts on terminology and conceptual apparatus in relation to the above-mentioned concepts of danger, threat, and its magnitude (significance, mass character). Legislative amendments adopted in connection with the pandemic of coronavirus infection, which led to the emergence of a formal crime under part 1 of article 236 of the criminal code of the Russian Federation, are considered. Attention is drawn to the careless form of guilt under this article, in contrast to other articles, the use of which is also not excluded in the case of infection (article 125 and article 237 of the criminal code), but provide for the intentional nature of the crime.
harmfulness, coronavirus infection, mass character, danger, pandemic, crime, threat, SARS-CoV-2
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