UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
BBK 58 Прикладные отрасли медицины
The trends in the development of education include the trend of informatization of education and the trend of innovative education. In forensic medicine, the competence to learn to cognize compulsorily includes understanding of general pathological processes, and only through this prism should the ability to verify particular pathological changes occurring in the human body as a result of various types of injuries and diseases arise. To implement these trends, we use distance educational technologies, taking into account the following criteria: for an individual trajectory of professional formation and development of a cadet doctor; for the development of thinking in the process of professional development; of objectivity; of productive communication; of information support for the co-creation of teachers and cadets; feedback. In order to apply the indicated criteria in full, the process of perception and processing of visual information was divided into three stages. The first stage is the analysis of the structure of the information supplied. At the second stage, new images are created. The third stage is a search activity. The above-described structuring of the content of educational information and the principles of organizing the educational process using distance educational technologies have successfully taught doctors of forensic experts to apply knowledge of general human pathology in the production of examinations.
informatization, innovative education, distance learning, webinars
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