, Russian Federation
GRNTI 76.35 Прочие отрасли медицины и здравоохранения
OKSO 31.08.10 Судебно-медицинская экспертиза
BBK 58 Прикладные отрасли медицины
The article is devoted to the problem of expert evaluation of medical care in the case of an unfavorable outcome of its provision of presumably iatrogenic nature. The draft regulation on independent medical expertise is being considered, which is planned to give professional medical associations the right to conduct an out-of-court examination in order to assess the correctness and timeliness of medical care. A number of characteristic features that can reduce the value of the conclusion of an independent expert examination as evidence in court proceedings are noted. Attention is drawn to the differences between the proposed procedure for independent medical examination and the procedure for conducting a forensic examination in general and a forensic medical examination in particular. For example, the inability to identify the patient and the medical organization can become an insurmountable obstacle to the evaluation of the received conclusion in the framework of legal procedures. The lack of responsibility of experts for giving a deliberately false conclusion, together with the conduct of this type of examination at the request and at the expense of a person interested in the outcome of the case, will inevitably cause distrust among law enforcement officers. Given the fact that an independent medical examination is conducted on a paid basis, its ability to compete with forensic examinations carried out on the appointment of investigative bodies with payment of budgetary funds at the expense of the state is highly questionable. An increase in the number of examinations conducted in a single case of medical error, with the presence of conflicting conclusions of several experts, creates an additional risk in the form of expanding the ability of the law enforcement officer to choose the conclusion that is profitable and convenient for him, and to put it as the basis for an interim or final decision on the case. In addition, the lack of a real opportunity for the prosecution or the plaintiff to obtain an objective examination of the iatrogenic case creates prerequisites for the prosecution of medical workers under more serious articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, up to murder, which will allow the investigation to bypass the independent examination procedure and appoint a standard commission of the forensic medical experts.
independent medical examination, forensic medical examination, medical errors, iatrogenic crimes, improper provision of medical care
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