Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
A critical analysis of scientific publications devoted to the schemes and parameters of placement (planting) on the territory of the plantation of planting material is presented. The analysis of the dimensions of the machines and their working bodies in comparison with the options for planting plantation plantings is presented. Possible systems of machines for selective logging on forest plantations are recommended, which ensure felling of trees without damage to the stand left for re-growth. A scheme for growing and harvesting timber on plantations has been developed and justified. The main parameter that affects the effective growth of crops is the density of the stand. Its regulation is directed to the proposed options for thinning. The main parameters that should be taken into account when predicting the characteristics of the stand left for rearing are presented. Requirements for the technology of logging on plantations have been developed to minimize the damage to the individuals left for rearing. Recommendations on the selection of species for growing on the plantation, as well as machine systems for cutting operations, taking into account the geometric parameters of stands for different periods of logging, are proposed. Recommendations are given on the technological schemes for the development of apiaries during logging under specified conditions with the achievement of the goals set by the recommended machine systems.

stand density, spatial placement of trees, felling of trees, damage to trees left for rearing, schemes for growing timber on plantations
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