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Abstract (English):
As know, all wood material is recycled only half, and the rest of it remains unused. In practice, wood waste is most often plowed or burned, at a time when such wood is a valuable natural raw material that can compensate for the needs of a number of sectors of the economy. In this regard, the problem of recycling waste from the woodworking industry is very relevant today. Wood waste contains a large amount of substances capable of exhibiting biological activity. In particular, such biologically active substances include betulin, which is found in birch bark, which, due to its many advantages, has found wide application in medical, perfumery, cosmetic, food and other industries. For the rational use of wood and wood materials, it is necessary to develop new technologies and equipment for processing wood into products that are in demand for mankind. The paper provides an overview of the processing of birch bark. The relevance and prospects of birch species as a raw material for the chemical industry have been established. An installation for obtaining biologically active substances from wood waste is presented.

birch, birch bark, wood, betulin, biologically active substances, wood waste
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