Russian Federation
Wood-glass-fiber composite materials (WGFCM) are used in transport construction (sleepers, switch bars, etc.). Polymer solutions based on furfuralacetone monomer (FAM) served as a matrix for the manufacture of WGFCM. The article suggests using Holex HAS- 2061 polyester resin as a matrix, which, in turn, has chemical resistance, dielectric properties, increased impact strength, having sufficient strength characteristics, and significant extensibility. For the application of the above material in the structural elements of sleepers of logging railways, it is necessary to know its operation under repeated loading. Endurance experiments were conducted at different coefficients of the load application cycle asymmetry pb=0,1; 0,3; 0,6. As a result of the experiments, the values of the endurance limit of the material under study were obtained, which allow us to conclude that it can be used in the construction of timber railway sleepers.
polyester resins, polymer concrete, endurance limit, sleepers
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