Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
The purpose of this work was to develop and study new safe formulations for wood processing based on used vegetable oil. The waste of refined vegetable oil, which remains after cooking, was used as the modifying base of the developed compositions. Impregnation of wood samples of standard sizes was carried out by the method of “hot-cold baths”. Starch was used as a filler, and a precipitated type NF-1 desiccant was used to accelerate the drying of the applied compositions. The properties of wood were controlled by changes in such indicators as water absorption, as well as swelling in the radial and tangential directions. The use of a desiccant in compositions based on used vegetable oil and starch makes it possible to reduce the drying time and solidification of the surface film and improve the water-repellent properties of wood. The optimal dosages of the siccative and filler were selected. A comparative assessment of the use of compositions based on used vegetable oil fordifferent types of wood is carried out on theexample of birch and pine. The developed impregnating compositions have availability, low cost and environmental safety. The use of protective compositions based on used vegetable oil allows you to improve the properties of natural wood and dispose of production waste.
wood, waste vegetable oil, starch, impregnation, water absorption, swelling
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