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Abstract (English):
The timber industry complex of Russia has no less potential than the recognized flagships of the Russian industry – the oil and gas sector, the metallurgical and military-industrial complex. The potentialities of the Russian woodworking industry and such a traditional industry as sawmilling are especially great. According to available forecasts, despite significant growth in the production of panel materials, cardboard and paper, the demand for sawnwood will increase, especially in Europe. The recommendations for improving sawmill production emphasize the need to increase the volume of sawn timber drying, expand the range of products by producing targeted dry sawn timber, and bring the requirements for the quality of sawn timber drying to consumer requirements. Specific issues related to quality management of woodworking products have basically been resolved. At the same time, there are a number of bottlenecks in the management of drying quality that cannot be solved at once. This is especially true for issues related to the significant instability of the properties of wood subjected to drying. The system of controlled moisture exchange proposed by the authors makes it possible to largely neutralize the influence of the scatter of the initial properties of wood on the entire drying process. This applies to both the moisture removal process itself and the development of internal stresses in the wood with the provision of the required margin in order to avoid wood cracking. Moreover, the controlled moisture exchange system allows the formation of a drying regime in accordance with the required quality category with minimal energy consumption for drying.

drying of lumber, drying quality, controlled moisture exchange
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