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Abstract (English):
Currently, much attention is paid to the protective treatment of wood materials. This allows you to protect wood from adverse factors and extend the service life of products based on it. At the same time, not a little, an important criterion is the ratio of the price of the protective composition and its quality. The article discusses the possibility of using an oligomer for the protective treatment of natural wood, obtained on the basis of by-products of the production of polybutadiene and modified with secondary polystyrene. Considering the fact that this waste has not found its application, its use makes it possible to obtain not only valuable and affordable compositions based on it, but also to solve a number of environmental problems. For the modification, an oligomer with a bound styrene content of about 50% was used. The process was carried out at 200°C in the presence of a desiccant. At high temperatures and in the presence of atmospheric oxygen, destruction of both oligomer and secondary polystyrene occurs. The resulting destruction products interact with each other with the formation of new macromolecules containing an increased amount of styrene groups and the appearance of functional groups containing oxygen in the polymer chains. Protective treatment of natural wood with the obtained impregnating compounds allows to reduce water absorption and swelling of birch samples. This treatment allows you to extend the life of wood products.

oligomer, modification, wood, protective treatment, properties
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