The situation related to the SARS COVID-19 pandemic has made adjustments in the modern form of student education. This article presents the attitude of students of a medical educational institution to the transition to a distance learning form, their opinions on the results of training in practical skills through audio and video materials. They identified problems of students related to distance learning, both technical and psychological. Questions were raised about the impact of the transition to a distance learning form on the quality of practical skills and skills of students.
distance learning form, attitude of students to transition to remote learning, organization of distance education, interactive communication
Due to the transition to a distance learning form (FSD) of students in medical schools, the volume and format of materials taught through various Internet programs has changed by an order of magnitude, and the implementation of various methods of electronic education has dramatically accelerated. The current situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a new look at various areas of the educational process. One of the private issues of the general problem of pedagogy is the organization of distance education for students of medical educational institutions.
The purpose of our study was to study the attitude of medical students to the transition to distance education in connection with the pandemic.
The introduction of technologies for distance education of students at the Medical Institute of the North-Eastern Federal University (SVFU) began in 2000. At the first stage, various scientific and practical videoconferences were held from different cities of Russia for doctors and students. A little later, by videoconferencing, teachers of the Medical Institute for doctors and nurses of rural hospitals began to give selected lectures in a number of clinical disciplines [1] [2].
It should be noted here that since 2014, the Department of Higher Nursing Education (WSO) of the SVFU Medical Institute has been actively participating in the international project "Creating a scientific and educational environment on remote presence technology for use in medical education and clinical practice of nurses of the Arctic regions" initiated by the College of Nursing Education of the University of Saskatchewan (Canada.). The University of Saskatchewan donated portable remote presence technology (robotic remote learning technology) to the University of Northeastern Federal University Medical Institute as a result of successful joint international efforts to introduce distance education and medical care to the population of remote villages of the North [3].
In March 2020, in connection with the pandemic, our university completely switched to remote education, the need for interactive forms of training and control of knowledge received increased significantly. Attempts to use some of them revealed technical problems, mainly due to a sharp increase in the number of concurrent users on the site, so the process often failed. This required the search for technical solutions that were found and that hour solved. Currently, sites allow you to fully take advantage of distance learning opportunities, ensure attendance, conduct practical classes that do not have an online format and organize a knowledge test.
After the transition to distance learning in October-November 2020, we conducted a questionnaire of 159 students of the Medical Institute in order to obtain an express assessment of the new model. The survey was actively attended by students of the medical department of 109 students (68.6%), students of secondary vocational education 38 (23.9%) and higher nursing education 11 (6.9%). Students were asked to answer the questions posed in the form of a test and thereby state their attitude to the pros and cons of distance education, as well as formulate their proposals for improving this system. The study reflects student responses to changing learning settings and format.
Taking into account the objectively current situation caused by the pandemic, almost all students praised the introduction of distance education. And they also sympathized with the fact that in the first days there were possible shortcomings in the e-learning system, which needed further improvement. Analysis of the obtained data shows that the obtained results show two trends: positive impact and negative impact of distance learning on the process of educational process.
Among the positive features of distance education, medical students most often noted the comfort of learning in the usual home environment and a decrease in stress levels, saving time and money for moves between buildings and clinical bases, arising in classes in the audience, copying material, availability of more information resources, The possibility of choosing the optimal pace of material development, including recourse to complex issues, possibility of scheduling the daily routine, changing the mode of communication with the teacher in and out of the educational time.
So, many 62.6% of students liked the distance form of study. Although before the pandemic, 64.8% of students were not ready for distance learning, and at the same time in the initial stages of e-education, 71.1% of students repeatedly experienced technical problems and interruptions in the Internet.
Of the respondents, 50.7% of students believe that with this form of training, the given topic is easily assimilated due to the ability to read lecture material several times. Especially liked the remote form of study during the examination session - 64.8% of students rated very positively. At the same time, some - 44.4% of students negatively assessed the distance form and emphasized that e-learning does not encourage learning and is poorly absorbed due to the lack of personal contact with the teacher.
Most interviewed 28.8% students during the day are engaged in distance education from 3 to 5 hours. When detailing the data obtained, it turned out that 11.8% students are engaged in electronic education for 3 hours, two hours - 8.5% and five hours - 8.5% students. And at the same time, 52.9% of students believe that personal responsibility is the motivating factor for independent education in distance learning.
Attention is drawn to the fact that 76.7% of students consider distance learning not acceptable for students of a medical institution. Of the respondents surveyed, 68.4% agree that the period of the educational process, distance learning in future professional activities will affect very negatively. The wish of 83.3% of students is to increase the share of video lectures and expand interactive communication opportunities, but at the same time everyone wants to engage in face-to-face practical skills.
Thus, in the context of the pandemic, the role of remote forms of educational technology in the training of medical students has increased significantly. The results of the survey of students made it possible to tentatively find out their attitude to distance education technologies and get proposals that can be used to improve the electronic educational environment.
At the same time, most respondents emphasized that the remote form of training in no way makes it possible to fully fill the opportunities for full-time training of future medical workers, especially with regard to the formation of professional clinical skills.
1. Bachelor-nursing training in the context of the implementation of e-learning in Yakutia. N.A. Protasova et al. Electronic scientific and educational Bulletin "Educational bulletin "Consciousness"" / "Educational bulletin "Soznaniye" 2019. Vol. 21. N 11-s.30-34 https://e-pubmed.otg
2. Northern Nursing Education Network – Continuing Nursing Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Don M Leidl co-authored Electronic Scientific and Educational Journal Frontiers in Medicine and Health Research FMHR-2-108 Vol 2(1): 1-4 Published date: August 21, 2020 London.
3. New Perspectives in Nursing Education: The Role of Nurses in Health Promotion for Indigenous Peoples of the Arctic Region—The Case of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). A.G. Karpova co-authored The Northern Review Journal , № 43 2016 Pp.135-138.