g. Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
In this work the research of new wood polymeric composite material as which filler timber industry waste in the form of sawdust, shaving, spill, lumpy waste and polyethyleneterephthalate, a research of its frost resistance by means of a method of a computer experiment is used is considered. A computer program has been developed to simulate the structure and physical properties of building blocks made of wood polymer composite material. The program allows you to set geometric and physical parameters of the building block and material components in the windows of the interface form in program code, as well as test conditions for cyclic heating and cooling to temperatures maximum possible during operation, and investigate the influence of parameters on the internal and surface destruction of the building block. The program is applicable for a wide range of concentrations of composite components, geometric parameters of the building block, various mechanical and thermocyclic tests. Influence of composition of wood polymer composite material on structure in thermocyclic tests is investigated. Dependencies of broken bonds on concentration of wood, cartogram of breaking bonds of wood polymer composite material with concentration of wood from 20 to 80% are obtained.
temperature, composite, polymer, wood, modeling, properties
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