Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
A mathematical model of the working process of energy recovery in the fifth wheel coupling of a timber tractor with a semitrailer is presented. To set the perturbing action of the support surface on the bodies of a timber tractor and a semitrailer, an elastic-viscous wheel model was used. Differential equations are solved numerically at each integration step. The intensive relative movement of a timber tractor and a semitrailer in the mathematical model is described by movement on a support surface with random irregularities and movement on a flat horizontal surface with variable speed. The use of the numerical method made it possible at each integration step to determine the value of the generated recuperative power in the fifth wheel coupling, as well as to calculate the average values of the longitudinal acceleration of the semitrailer relative to the timber tractor.
mathematical model; timber truck; semitrailer; recovery; hydraulic energy; fifth wheel coupling; assortments; road conditions; performance; energy storage
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