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Abstract (English):
In the current energy environment, with an expected increase in energy consumption in the face of depletion of fossil fuel reserves, more attention is being paid to renewable energy sources for electricity generation. One of the most attractive alternatives is biomass, which can be effectively used to generate electricity, as well as heat using cogeneration technologies that increase the efficiency of the entire energy conversion process. The North-western region of the Russian Federation is a region with recognized potential for electricity and heat production, using primary forest biomass and waste from the forest industry, among which wood chips are distinguished for their ease of obtaining, processing and drying, as well as for their good and stable behavior during combustion or gasification. However, in order to use the available resources efficiently, that is, to minimize the material and technical requirements to reduce the energy required for the electricity generation process, biomass obtained in the conditions of logging enterprises must be used locally in order to comply with sustainable forest management methods. This article is aimed at describing various technological alternatives for converting wood chips into electricity and heat, as well as comparing these technologies for use in logging enterprises.

: Forest industry, waste utilization, biofuel, Stirling engine

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