Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The analysis of damage to freshly harvested acorns at the end of September 2021 on the permanent forest seed plots of the Shchigrovsky forestry of the Kursk region and the Kasnogvardeisky forestry of the Belgorod region is presented. It was noted that 8% of healthy acorns were found in the Kursk region of healthy acorns, with rot 32%, acorn weevil damaged 37% of the seeds and 10% of the acorn moth. On PLSU in the Belgorod region healthy acorns are 9.1%, with rot 13.6%, acorn weevil damaged 15% of the seeds and 28.8% of the acorn moth. Apparently the number of healthy acorns in October will be much higher.

PLSU of pedunculate oak, Kursk and Belgorod regions, damage to acorns

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