Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The influence of the introduction of grain straw and cellulosolytic micromycete on the seasonal dynamics of exchangeable compounds of zinc and copper under the conditions of a multifactorial field experiment on leached chernozems was studied. It is shown that straw, with a lack of other fertilizers, is able to replace them, enriching the soil with valuable organic substances. The results obtained indicate that the introduction of green manure significantly increases the content of exchangeable compounds Zn and Cu, especially when a cellulolytic micromycete is added to the straw, which accelerates its decomposition. There is a decrease in the amount of exchangeable Zn and Cu compounds by the end of the growing season, due to their intensive consumption by plants. The data obtained indicate the absence of contamination of the studied soils with elements, on the contrary, they note the lack of exchangeable Zn and Cu compounds.

leached chernozems, cereal straw, cellulosolytic micromycete, heavy metals, trace elements zinc, copper

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