Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
To date, the forest complex in the Russian Federation is undergoing significant changes, which are expressed in a significant lag, and recently in intensified attempts to actively integrate digital technologies. Compared with other forest powers in our country, there is a serious lag in the involvement of digital technologies in forest enterprises, as well as weakened control of state bodies over processes in the field of automation and informatization. This article will consider the upcoming changes in the digital transformation of the forest complex, their various types, as well as the impact, effectiveness and possible methods on the way to improving the rational control and management of forest territories.
forest complex, digitalization, automation, efficiency, unity, innovations
1. https://ac.gov.ru/news/page/lesa-stanut-cifrovymi-26807
2. https://www.connect-wit.ru/tsifrovizatsiya-lesnogo-kompleksa-rossii.html
3. https://1economic.ru/lib/112413
4. https://plus.rbc.ru/news/5ce23ad37a8aa96049375c6b
5. https://rosleshoz.gov.ru/news/2021-06-25/n9858
6. https://urtmag.ru/public/896/