Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
An assortment of introduced and local selection of pyramidal poplars in the landscaping of Voronezh is presented. The growth and condition of the Soviet pyramidal poplar, Yablokov's poplar, and Balsamichesky improved selection by A.S. Yablokova; Bolle Kamyshinsky, Pyramidal-sedge-bore Kamyshinsky selection A.V. Albensky; hybrids white poplar × poplar Bolle, selection by V.P. Petrukhnova; poplar selection A.P. Tsarev trees grow in the populetum of the Semiluksky forest nursery, the black pyramidal poplar. The height of individual poplars reaches 35 m. The condition of the poplars of the White true section at the age of 65 is good, the condition of balsamic and black hybrid poplars is satisfactory.

pyramidal poplars, landscaping plantings in Voronezh

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