, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
We have been talking about global warming for decades and now we need to understand how we can cope with it, how to transform our existing energy systems and what is being done in the world for this today. What key steps should be taken to stop or weaken this terrifying trend. Global climate change affects the processes of forming the energy policy of countries. Some countries are installing solar, wind and other renewable energy plants.
global climate change, energy complex, greenhouse gas emissions, renewable energy sources, purification technologies
1. https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/147070/arctic-lows
2. Portal «Global'naya energiya» https://globalenergyprize.org/ru/2020/09/30/rodnej-dzhon-allam-velikobritaniya/
3. Elektronnyy zhurnal https://hightech.plus/2021/05/07/kitai-vibrasivaet-bolshe-co2-chem-vse-razvitie-strani-vmeste-vzyatie
4. https://nova-sun.ru/alternativnaya-energetika/krupnejshie-solnechnye-elektrostantsii
5. https://tass.ru/spec/climate