, Russian Federation
Novocherkassk Engineering and Reclamation Institute named after A.K. Kortunova
, Russian Federation
The article presents a project for the reconstruction of landscaping and landscaping of a city beach on the example of a beach in the Donskoy microdistrict of Novocherkassk, Rostov region. Options for zoning the territory are considered, an inventory plan is given, plants to be removed are identified. Taking into account the popularity of outdoor activities, specialized zones designed for various types of leisure have been designed. The article also presents a tree planting project and recommendations for the location of woody plant species and shrubs.
landscaping, landscaping of the beach, functional areas, recreation area, plants of the landscaping zone
1. GOST Mezhgosudarstvennyy standart Gigienicheskie trebovaniya k zonam rekreacii vodnyh ob'ektov. Utverzhden postanovleniem Gosudarstvennogo komiteta SSSR po standartam ot 25 dekabrya 1980 g. № 1713 (data vvedeniya ustanovlena 01.07.82). Pereizdan v 2004 godu.
2. SP 82.13330.2016. Svod pravil. Blagoustroystvo territoriy. Aktualizirovannaya redakciya SNiP III-10-75
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4. Taran S.S. Drevovodstvo: Ucheb. posob. dlya stud. spec. 250203 – «Sadovo-parkovoe i landshaftnoe stroitel'stvo»/ S.S. Taran; Novocherk. gos. melior. akad. – Novocherkassk, 2007. – 206s.
5. Chepik, F. A. Dendrologiya : uchebnoe posobie / F. A. Chepik. — Sankt-Peterburg :SPbGLTU, 2020. — 68 s. — ISBN 978-5-9239-1203-6. — Tekst : elektronnyy // Lan' : elektronno-bibliotechnaya sistema. — URL: https://e.lanbook.com/book/159306.