Voronezh, Russian Federation
the article discusses the concept of an offshore zone, highlights the differences between an offshore zone and a free economic zone. The most popular offshore zones in the world are considered; the advantages and disadvantages of doing business in an offshore zone have been identified. The NBER expert rating of countries by the share of GDP located in offshore zones has been analyzed. In conclusion, the reasons for the use of offshore zones by Russian entrepreneurs are given.
offshore, offshore company, free Economic Zone
1. Federal'nyy zakon ot 22.07.2005 №116-FZ (red. ot 30.12.2020) «Ob osobyh ekonomicheskih zonah v Rossiyskoy Federacii»
2. Offshornye zony mira: sayt [Elektronnyy resurs] : Rezhim dostupa: URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/112/28490/
3. Prichiny ispol'zovaniya offshornyh zon v Rossii [Elektronnyy resurs] : Rezhim dostupa :URL https://www.gradient-alpha.ru/offshory-novye-pravila-igry-v-rossii-i-v-2/
4. Strany offshornoy zony [Elektronnyy resurs] : Rezhim dostupa :URL https://visasam.ru/emigration/vybor/strany-offshornoi-zony.html
5. Offshory: kak eto rabotaet i pochemu ih tak ne lyubyat? [Elektronnyy resurs] : Rezhim dostupa :URL https://chel.dk.ru/news/ofshory-kak-eto-rabotaet-i-pochemu-ih-tak-ne-lyubyat-spravka-237015084
6. Offshory dlya biznesa horosho eto ili ploho? [Elektronnyy resurs]: Rezhim dostupa: URL https://centrkonsalt.rf/blog/offshory/offshory-dlya-biznesa-horosho-eto-ili-ploho/
7. Offshor – chto eto takoe [Elektronnyy resurs] : Rezhim dostupa :URL https://myrouble-ru.turbopages.org/myrouble.ru/s/chto-takoe-ofshor/
8. Offshornaya zona [Elektronnyy resurs] : Rezhim dostupa :URL https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ofshornaya_zona
9. Kapital strany [Elektronnyy resurs] : Rezhim dostupa :URL https://kapital–rus-ru.turbopages.org/kapital-rus.ru/s/articles/article/fnb vyvezli iz_rossii oligarhi_parkuut pribyl v ofshorah/