, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The article discusses the relevance of the problem of forest scarcity, the effectiveness of artificial reforestation. A new, additional method to the existing ones is proposed, which will increase the amount of planting material and use unused space in government buildings using growboxes, give students studying in the forest direction additional skills in growing forest crops using an innovative method and, in addition, increase the aesthetic appeal of empty spaces.
reforestation, growbox, greenhouse, innovation, economy
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3. Grouboks. Vidy i ustroystvo. Kak vybrat' i ustanovka. Osobennosti [Elektronnyy resurs] /. — Oficial'nyy sayt «Teh.pribory.ru». — Rezhim dostupa k saytu.: https://tehpribory.ru/glavnaia/oborudovanie/grouboks.html
4. Instrukcii po ekspluatacii, harakteristiki tehniki i elektroniki [Elektronnyy resurs] /. — Forumy tehniki i elektroniki – Makgrup. – Rezhim dostupa k forumu: https://mcgrp.ru/article/6090-chto-takoe-grouboks-i-kak-ego-ustanovit
5. Grouboksy: razlichiya i osobennosti [Elektronnyy resurs] /. — Oficial'nyy sayt «Grow Berry». — Rezhim dostupa k saytu.: https://growberry.pro/all-news?aridius_news_id=20