, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
employee from 01.01.2015 until now
Russian Federation
The article presents an analysis of the structural safety elements of cars that are used in the construction of vehicles. A description of the elements that affect the level of vehicle safety is given. The influence of structural safety elements of a car on the likelihood of an emergency is considered.
seat belt, airbag, anti-lock braking system, electronic stability control, crumple zones, rear view camera, safety glass, indicators, mirrors, blind spot monitoring, headlights, wipers, lane keep assist, cruise control, warning collision, autonomous emergency braking, head restraints, automatic parking technology
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3. Traffic Safety as a Factor of Competitiveness of Economic System and a Reason for Increase of Differentiation of Developed and Developing Countries: Management on the Basis of New ICT / V. A. Zelikov, Y. V. Strukov, V. V. Razgonyeva, R. A. Korablev, A. Y. Artemov // The Future of the Global Financial System: Downfall or Harmony : Proceedings Paper of International Conference, Limassol, Cyprus, 13-14.04.2018 / editor E. G. Popkova. - Springer International Publishing AG, 2019. - Vol. 57.-P.161-165.
4. Strukov Yu.V. Analiz bezopasnogo dvizheniya v avtomobil'nyh potokah / Yu.V. Strukov // Organizaciya i bezopasnost' dorozhnogo dvizheniya: materialy VIII Vserossiysk. nauch.-prakt. konf. – Tyumen', 2015. – S. 262-263.