Influence of root and non-root sulfur fertilization on the yield and quality of spring wheat grain
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The most effective ways to increase the yield of spring wheat are the use of a sulfur-containing fertilizer (ammonium sulfate granulated) at a dose of S34 in top dressing at the stage of the beginning of the tube and foliar top dressing with sulfur-containing fertilizers Agree′s sulfur (1.4 l/ha), magnesium sulfate (2.6 kg/ha), Maximus extra S (1.5 kg/ha) at the stage of early milky ripeness, which provided an increase in the yield of this crop of 2.3–3.0 q/ha. The maximum yield in the experiment (46.5 c/ha) was obtained in the variant using granulated ammonium sulfate at the stage of the beginning of the tube. The maximum content of protein in the grain (18.0%) and gluten (29.1%) was noted in the variant with the introduction of ammonium sulfate at a dose of N20S23 at the stage of heading.

spring wheat, sulfur-containing fertilizers, methods, timing of application, yield, economic efficiency, protein content, gluten content

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