The technology of brake control has been developed when shunting trains follow the exhaust tracks of the station, the place of the beginning of braking to the place of stopping has been determined, as well as the possibility of stopping when approaching the slide (if available).
shunting work, maneuvers, auto brakes, dissolution of trains
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2. Grebenyuk P.T., Dolganov A.N., Skvorcova A.I. Tyagovye raschety: Spravochnik. – M.: Transport, 1987. 272s.
3. Grebenyuk P.T. Pravila tormoznyh raschetov / Trudy VNIIZhT. M.: Intekst, 2004.
4. Rasporyazhenie OAO "RZhD" ot 28.10.2015 N 2555r "Ob utverzhdenii metodicheskih rekomendaciy dlya rabotnikov strukturnyh podrazdeleniy OAO "RZhD", opredelyayuschih trebovaniya k poryadku vklyucheniya i oprobovaniya tormozov pri manevrovoy rabote"