Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of the study is to study more competitive unmanned technologies used in railway transport at the present time, in terms of saving energy and labor costs and prospects for the development of unmanned railway transport in our country, taking into account the new conditions caused by the pandemic and sanctions restrictions. The article provides a brief historical background on the development of unmanned transport in Russia and the world, assesses the current state of affairs in the field of the introduction of unmanned technologies in railway transport, considers the use of alternative unmanned technical solutions. At the same time, the article identifies the main constraining factors that stand in the way of unmanned railway transport in the Russian Federation, assesses the prospects for development in this area in the conditions of modern realities. The practical significance of the introduction of unmanned railway transport lies in the possibility of transporting goods in hazardous areas during natural and man-made disasters or military operations, reducing time spent driving a vehicle, improving safety by reducing the influence of the human factor, optimizing management and maintenance costs, increasing throughput due to faster train turnover.

unmanned railway transport, degree of automation, artificial intelligence, Russian Railways, level of automation

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