Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the results of selection of red clover in the EE BSAA under the program of TOS "Clover". The characteristics of the source material and methods for creating four varieties of red clover jointly bred by the EE BSAA and the Federal Williams fodder and agroecology research center. Directions and methods of further selection are demonstrated. The results of the assessment of the created varieties according to economically useful traits and properties in competitive and state variety trials in comparison with control varieties are presented. In total, four varieties of red clover of joint breeding were created, of which Sozh is late-ripening, TOS-870 is medium-late-ripening, GPTT-early and Verbush are early-ripening. Of all the varieties, GPTT-early turned out to be the most productive, which has been included in the state register of varieties of the Republic of Belarus since 2017 and approved for use in production conditions throughout the country. By the decision of the state inspectorate for the testing and protection of plant varieties, it has been approved since 2018 as a control in the state test of red clover being the best zoned variety. To create new varieties, the methods of chemical mutagenesis (phosphemid) and polyploidy (colchicine) are used in the EE BSAA). The created new source material is being evaluated in the breeding process nurseries.

meadow clover, variety, variety type, selection, yield, green mass, dry matter, foliage, patent, mutagenesis, polyploidy

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