, Russian Federation
The article describes the results of selection of Galega orientalis in the Republic of Belarus. A brief history, directions, methods and results of breeding work in Belarusian State Agricultural Academy are described. The methodology of Nesterka variety creation is presented, the theoretical basis for intensification and acceleration of the breeding process of a new variety samples of Galega orientalis of various species and their use in the selection of patentable varieties are highlighted. The methodology of creating the varieties of EGG-2 and BGSHA-2 and the results of their evaluation in the competitive and state variety trials in comparison with the control varieties are demonstrated. Analysis of the results of the state variety testing showed that the yield of dry matter of the variety BGSHA-2 significantly differed from year to year and was different at various testing stations. The highest yield was obtained at the "Lepelskaya SS", where Galega orientalis has demonstrated typical of this crop increase of herbage yield in each subsequent year. Thus, in 2017 the dry matter yield was 59.8 c/ha, in 2018 — 106.0, and in 2019 it was the maximum for the variety in the years of testing — 153.0 c/ha. It is noted that the methods of chemical mutagenesis (phosphemide) and polyploidy (colchicine) are used to create new varieties in the academy, and the created new source material is being evaluated in mutant and polyploid nurseries. Studies on the effect of irrigation on the yield of Galega orientalis have also been carried out at the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy.
Galega orientalis, gene pool, varietal sample, variety, breeding, yield, green mass, dry matter, foliage, patent, mutagenesis, polyploidy
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