Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the results of the scientific experiment on the study of a new sorbent feed additive "AspiSorb", the use of which will increase the effectiveness of veterinary measures in the prevention and treatment of the pigs’ digestive system diseases. It is shown that "AspiSorb" does not have chronic toxicity. It does not adversely affect the condition of healthy piglets, and the quality and safety of animal slaughter products. It helps to reduce the level of endogenous intoxication of the body and the rapid disappearance of signs of exsicosis, which is confirmed by the normalization of general analysis of blood, as well as the activity of ASAT, AST, alkaline phosphatase, the concentration of cholesterol, bilirubin, glucose and albumin. The inclusion of "AspiSorb" sorbent in the complex scheme for the prevention of gastroenteritis and toxic hepatodystrophy in piglets helps to reduce the incidence and reduce the severity of the disease.

«AspiSorb», piglets, sorbent additive, chronic toxicity, intoxication, veterinary and sanitary examination, prevention

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