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Abstract (English):
For decades, the problem of establishing a causal relationship between damage and the development of an infectious (inflammatory) process has persisted in forensic medicine. The problem in diagnosing the causal relationship between damage and the development of an infectious (inflammatory) process is due to: the form and mechanism of interaction between an infectious agent and a macroorganism; the birth, as a rule, of "large consequences" from "small causes"; the lack of consideration of the full cause and proportionality of phenomena; the assumption of a logical error - "Post hoc, ergo propter hoc". In causal dependence, a biological factor can act as a "specifying" or as a "conditional" cause, which will determine the composition of the complete cause. The correct determination of the composition of the full cause with the diagnosis of the form of interaction between the infectious agent and the macroorganism discredited by the injury will contribute to the correct assessment of the causality between the phenomena and the correct determination of the severity of the harm caused to human health.

biological factor, causal relationship, causal dependence, complete cause, consequence, pathogenic stimulus, damage
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