Обложка журнала
Journal title (English)
Language of publication
Russian, English
2500-3372 (print) 2542-1190 (online)
Periodicity (English)

4 times a year

Russian science citation index:
Yes 60508
Russian higher attestation Commission:

The structure of the article:

  1. Universal Decimal Classification Index (UDC).
  2. Article title.
  3. Initials and surname of the author (s).
  4. Abstract.
  5. Keywords.
  6. The text of the article with tables, figures, formulas.
  7. References.
  8. Information about the author (s): surname, name, patronymic; academic degree; academic title; position, place of work; telephone, e-mail address (e-mail), a unique number of the scientist (ORCID).

Requirements for the design of articles

  1. The text is typed without formatting and page numbering, taking into account paragraphs and special instructions in the requirements for the design of articles. The recommended size of the original article is 35–40 thousand characters, the overview one is more than 40 thousand characters including annotation, keywords and references.The title of the article (maximum length 10–12 words). Available in Russian and English.
  2. The initials and surname of the author (s) - separated by commas. Place of work and address of the organization. Available in Russian and English.
  3. The article should be annotated in Russian and English. The recommended volume is 150–250 words. Annotation to the article should be: informative (not contain common words); original; content (reflect the main content of the article and the results of research); structured (follow the logic of describing the results in the article); compact. The abstract should include the following aspects of the content of the article: subject, purpose of work; method or methodology of the work; work results; scope of results; findings.
  4. The article should be supplied with keywords in Russian and English (the recommended number of keywords is 6–10).
  5. The full text is structured and divided into segmented headings: an introduction, methods and materials, results, conclusion.
  6. Graphs, charts, diagrams, drawings drawn by MS Office are provided in separate files in the format of source applications (.xls, .vsd, .doc)
  7. Un-drawn objects (scanned images, photographs) are provided as separate files in graphic formats (.tif, .jpg or .png) with a resolution of> 300 dpi.
  8. Tables are provided as editable text, not as images.
  9. References include only sources used in the preparation of the article. References to the cited literature are given in square brackets. For the Original scientific article, the recommended number of links is 25–40, for a review article - from 80 links.
  10. References are placed after the text of the article, numbered (starting with the first number) in the order of mention in the text, preceded by the word "Literature". Under one number it is permissible to indicate only one source.
  11. It is allowed to cite any primary sources, BUT references to such materials as: unpublished works; State documents (government decrees, laws, etc.), historical documents, newspaper articles, Internet sources without authorship (forums, blogs, etc.) should be placed in subscripts.
  12. Dictionaries, artistic, journalistic and other sources are not included in the list of references, but are indicated separately.
  13. Links to Internet resources are allowed subject to the rules for describing online electronic publications.
  14. It is desirable to limit self-citations to 10% of references from the total number of sources.
  15. The description of sources is made in accordance with GOST 7.05 “Bibliography link. General requirements and rules of drafting.
  16. The list of references in the transliteration is preceded by the word References, given in a completely separate block. Sources in foreign languages ​​are transferred to the References list without changes, all Russian-language sources in the list of references should be presented in the Romanesque alphabet (in Latin).
  17. The last page of the article contains information about the authors in Russian and English: the full name of the institution where the study was performed; full names of the authors; academic degree, title, position, place of work, contact telephone numbers, e-mail address of all authors.
  18. The sequence of design elements - in accordance with the structure of the article.
  1. Application for publication of the article
  2. Instruction for the design of the manuscript with recommendations.
  3. Instruction for registration profile ORCID.
  4. Retraction policy
  5. The procedure for sending, reviewing and admitting a manuscript to publication.
  6. Examples of the description of the cited publications.
  7. Systems of text translation into Latin TranslitterationTranslit!
  8. Systems of automatic generation of bibliographic description: BibmeCitefastCitation Creatio

Compliance requirements of publication ethics apply to all members of the publishing process – authors, editors, reviewers, and the publisher of the journal. The editorial board monitors compliance with the ethics requirements based on the manuals prepared by specialized organizations, and publishers, as well as the Association of Science Editors and Publishers (ASEP). The main standards relied on by the journal Bulletin of Kemerovo State University are those developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (United Kingdom), by the publisher Elsevier (Netherlands), and the Declaration "Ethical Principles of Scientific Publications" (adopted by ASEP). 

The responsibility of editors

1. The editors are personally and independently responsible for the content of the materials published.
2. The editors make fair and objective decisions, regardless of any commercial interest and provide a fair and efficient process for the independent review.
3. The editors evaluate manuscripts' intellectual content, adhering to the principle of equality of Authors.
4. The editors do not work with articles for which they have a conflict of interest.
5. The editors resolve conflict situations arising during the editorial process.
6. The editors of the journal publish information concerning corrections, rebuttals, and review articles in case the need arises.
7. The editors do publish the final version of the article  only after agreement with the authors.
 8. The editors correctly conduct correspondence with authors and reviewers, timely respond to letters.

The responsibility of the reviewers

1. The reviewer evaluates his or her own availability before the examination of the manuscript and accepts materials for review only if the reviewer is able to allow for sufficient time as to ensure the quality his or her work.
2. The reviewer notifies the editorial staff of any conflict of interest (if one exists) before the start of the review of the article.
3. The reviewer does not send information about the article and or any of the data contained within the article to any third party, and does not use the information obtained from the article for any personal and or commercial purposes.
5. The reviewer draws conclusions about the quality of the article based on objective data, without expressing a personal relationship to the author.
6. The reviewer uses only proper and appropriate language and explanations in respect to the articles, avoiding any personal remarks.
7. The reviewer correctly conduct correspondence with editors, timely respond to letters.

The responsibility of the authors

1. The author is responsible for the accuracy of the data presented in the article, and guarantees the originality of its content.
2. The author notifies the editors if the article is based on previously published materials.
3. The author does not submit the same article to different journals for review.
4. All co-authors consent to the submission of their articles to the journal.
5. The author informs the editorial staff of a potential conflict of interest.
6. The author correctly cites his or her previous works and others' works, avoids self-plagiarism and an artificial increase in the volume of publications.
7. The list of authors included only individuals who have made significant contributions to the research.
8. If necessary, the authors either adjust the data presented in the article, or refute them.
9. The author, who is acting as the contact with journal, informs all other co-authors of all changes and suggestions from the editorial staff, and does not make decisions regarding the article alone without the written consent of all co-authors.
10. The author correctly conduct correspondence with editors, timely respond to letters.

The responsibility of the publisher

1. Publisher supports scientific communications, finances this process, is responsible for adhering to the principles and procedures that contribute to the ethical duties of all participants in the editorial and publishing process.
2. The publisher does not affect the editorial policy of the journal.
3. The publisher provides legal support to the journal if necessary.
4. The publisher provides for the timely release of next issues of the journal.

  1. General
    • We accept manuscripts of original articles and reviews in Russian and English.
    • The authors guarantee that:
      • they own the exclusive copyright for the manuscript they submit;
      • they publication will not infringe a third party’s copyright;
      • the manuscript has never been published;
      • they did not submit it to any other journal;
      • the list of authors includes only those who contributed to the research.
      • they agree with the Publication Ethics of the journal.
  2. Submission procedure
    • E-mail us your manuscript and additional materials or upload them as separate files using your personal account on our website.
    • If you previously submitted this article to some other journal but it was not accepted for publication, please inform us in your letter lest we should accidentally reject your manuscript after the initial check-up.
    • Please remember that the Editors do not enter into correspondence with Authors to discuss the content, methods, or formatting of the articles submitted. Neither do we improve the scientific and methodological quality of the paper. 
  3. Registration and Initial Check-Up
    • The registration and initial check-up stage normally take five days. We will e-mail you about the current status of your manuscript. If you did not get a letter from us within five days, it means that we did not receive your submission due to some technical problem. Please send your letter again or call +7(3842)58-13-01.
    • The Editor checks all submitted manuscripts for compliance with the profile of The Bulletin, Publishing Ethics (plagiarism, doubling, etc.), and formatting requirements (text volume, structure, number of keywords, abstract volume, references, in-text references, information about the Authors, etc.)
    • If your article is beyond the scope of the Bulletin or violates our Publishing Ethics, you will receive a substantiated rejection letter.
    • If the submitted article does not meet our formatting requirements, it will be returned to you for revision and improvement. 
    • Should you fail to e-mail us the improved version within 10 days, your next attempt will automatically be classified as a new submission.
    • Please visit our website to find out more about formatting requirements.
  4. If the manuscript passes the initial check-up, it will be peer-reviewed by two experts in accordance with the rules established by the Editorial. The review process is double-blind to provide anonymity for both authors and reviewers.
  5. Admission Procedure
    • After your manuscript has been approved for publication, the Editor will inform you by e-mail and state the approximate publication date.
    • We do not guarantee that your manuscript will be published in the next issue: the review procedure usually takes some time.
    • We can provide you with an official letter that your manuscript has been accepted for publication. Do not hesitate to request a confirmation letter, if needed.
    • publishing license agreement is signed by the Author(s) after the article is recommended for publication.
    • Papers are published depending on the registration date and editorial plans. Articles on topical issues and break-through research can be published out of turn by the decision of the Editor-in-Chief.
  6. Editing and Publishing
    • All manuscripts are published only after they undergo literary editing and proofreading.
    • All changes made by the Editor require your consent by e-mail.
    • You will receive the typeset article for final approval before publication.
    • All articles have a printed and online version.


  1. After your paper has successfully passed the initial check-up stage, it will have to undergo a double review. The reviewer reviews the manuscript without knowledge of the authors' names. Likewise, the author does not know the name of the reviewer. Correspondence between the author and the reviewer takes place via e-mail in the edition on the journal.
  2. Reviewers will be appointed by the editorial board. The peer review can be conducted by the members of the Editorial Board or by acknowledged academic specialists in the sphere.
  3. Reviewers follow the rules of publication ethics established by the editorial board.
  4. Appointed reviewers can refuse to analyze the manuscript in case there is a conflict of interest or if they cannot provide an unbiased review for some reason.
  5. Reviews (review sample) are written in free form; however, they clarify the following compulsory aspects:
  • Does the paper correspond with the profile of the journal? Is the topic relevant?
  • Does the paper possess any theoretical and practical significance?
  • Is the author’s approach novel?
  • Is the style scientific and clear?
  1. We will normally send you anonymous reviews of your paper within 21-60 days.
  2. The reviews contain one of the following recommendations:
  • publish the paper as it is;
  • publish the paper after it has been improved according to the recommendations of the reviewers if the author agrees to make such improvements;
  • publish the paper only after it has been improved according to the recommendations of the reviewers;
  • reject the manuscript with the right to resubmit it;
  • reject the manuscript with no future resubmission.
  1. Your manuscript might have to undergo an extra review if considered necessary.
  2. In case the editor e-mails you a list of suggested improvements, you can accept them or to give a substantiated refusal.
  3. Please e-mail your improved variant back to the editor within 30 days; otherwise your manuscript will have to start from square one.
  4. Your improved version has to be accompanied by a cover letter as a separate file (Name_answer) where you will have to respond to the criticism and explain all the improvements you have made in your paper (Name_paper_improved). Please highlight all the improvements in the text.
  5. If the reviews are negative, you will be sent a substantiated rejection letter signed by the chief editor or the deputy editor.
  6. In case of rejection, you may challenge our decision by sending a letter of appeal to the chief editor. In your letter, please, explain why your manuscript should be reconsidered. Enclose an improved version of your paper, if necessary. Please, mind that the decision made by the chief editor is final and cannot be challenged.
  7. The chief editor considers the final edited version of every paper, reviews, and the author’s response and makes the final decision (approved / returned to the author for further revision / rejected). After that, the editor will inform you about the final decision of the chief editor within 10 days.
  8. Should you need a copy of the reviews, do not hesitate to send us your request. Mind that the copy will be anonymous.
  9. Copies of all reviews can be submitted to the Supreme Qualifying Committee upon request.
  10. Original reviews are stored in the editorial office for 5 years.
  11. In case the authors do not respond to the constructive feedback from the reviewers or the editor, the manuscript is likely to be rejected.

The Editors of the Bulletin of Kemerovo State University adhere to the following retraction policy:

The editors can retract a published article to inform the readers that the article contains faulty / unreliable data, plagiarisms, an unreported conflict of interests, or doubling, i.e. if new information has been revealed that can affect the interpretation of the published data or recommendations on their use.

Therefore, an article can be retracted if the Editors found out that

  • the article violates the ethics of scientific publishing;
  • the author(s) published one and the same data or manuscript in several journals without a serious reason, authorization, or cross reference;
  • the bulk of the article was copied prom a previously published work by a different author;
  • if the article contains invalid data, be it the result of a deliberate violation, miscalculation, experimental error, or misprint.

Retraction can be initiated by authors, readers, reviewers, editors, and other publishers by officially appealing to the Editorial Board. An expertise conducted by the Editorial Board can also trigger a retraction procedure.

If the Editorial Board failed to answer a retraction claim from the author within 10 days, the author is free to appeal to the Society of Science Editors and Publishers.

If the Editorial Board decides to retract the article based on the violations mentioned above, the corresponding author is sent a notification that explains the reasons for the retraction. The final decision takes into account the explanation given by the author. Should the author fail to respond within 10 days, the Editors are free to retract the publication without the author’s concern. Irrespective of the fact whether the authors accept the standpoint of the editorial board or not, the retraction is an abiding procedure.

The retraction protocol is sent to the corresponding author, the Society of Science Editors and Publishers, eLIBRARY.RU, and CUBERLENINKA e-libraries. A retraction note, which states its reason and date, is published both in paper and online versions of the Journal. After that, the article will be marked as RETRACTED in all reference databases. Retracted articles are excluded from all citation indices and reference lists and do not affect electronic calculations of one’s personal scientific achievements.

After the retraction procedure has been completed, the Editorial Board retains the right not to accept other manuscripts submitted by the author(s) in question for a certain period.

The printed version of the journal "Bulletin of Kemerovo State University. Series: Political, Sociological, and Economic sciences" is distributed through a subscription in the catalog "Press of Russia" (subscription index – 94233).

To purchase individual issues of the printed version, please contact us at vestnik@kemsu.ru or call +7(3842)55-87-61.

The paid-off issues may be collected at the Editorial Office: Kemerovo State University, Office 149, Bld.2, 73, Sovetskii Ave, Kemerovo, Kemerovo region (Kuzbass), 650000, Russia.

How you can subscribing and pay for the issue

Pay online (How to make a payment)


Morozova Elena  — Chief editor
Kemerovo State University (kafedra menedzhmenta imeni I. P. Povaricha, zaveduyuschaya kafedroy imeni I. P. Povaricha)
doctor of economic sciences
Kemerovo, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Researcherid: T-8767-2017 ELIBRARY: 662881 ORCID:0000-0003-2215-9808
Baranova Inna  — Editorial board member
Novosibirsk State Technical University (kafedry audita, ucheta i finansov, professor)
doctor of economic sciences
Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
ELIBRARY: 268831
Bychkova Svetlana  — Editorial board member
Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University (Department of Accounting and Audit, professor)
doctor of economic sciences
Academic rank Honored Worker of Higher School of the Russian Federation
Pushkin, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
SCOPUS: 57194520917 Researcherid: A-8187-2017 ELIBRARY: 284104 ORCID:0000-0001-7684-9025
Glushakova Olga  — Editorial board member
Novosibirsk State Theater Institute (kafedra istorii teatra, literatury i muzyki, professor)
doctor of economic sciences
Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
SCOPUS: 57190974009 Researcherid: H-8004-2016 ELIBRARY: 563421 ORCID:0000-0002-9268-415X
Kapoguzov Evgenii  — Editorial board member
Dostoevsky Omsk State University (kafedra ekonomicheskoy teorii i predprinimatel'stva, zaveduyuschiy)
doctor of economic sciences
Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
Researcherid: O-5278-2017 ELIBRARY: 337296 ORCID:0000-0001-8083-5654
Kislyakov Mikhail  — Editorial board member
Siberian Institute of Management (branch) of The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (kafedra gosudarstvennogo i municipal'nogo upravleniya, professor)
doctor of political sciences
Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
ELIBRARY: 641431
Kravchenko Sergey  — Editorial board member
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (kafedra sociologii, zaveduyuschiy)
doctor of philosophical sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
SCOPUS: 14630561400 Researcherid: H-5769-2016 ELIBRARY: 77019
Krämer Raimund  — Editorial board member
Potsdam University
doctor of political sciences
Potsdam, Germany
Kurbatova Margarita  — Editorial board member
Siberian Federal University (Nauchno-uchebnaya laboratoriya ekonomiki prirodnyh resursov i okruzhayuschey sredy, glavnyy nauchnyy sotrudnik)
employee from 01.01.1921 until now
doctor of economic sciences
Krasnoyarks, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Researcherid: E-6580-2014 ELIBRARY: 613052 ORCID:0000-0002-7017-5266
Mekush Galina  — Editorial board member
Kemerovo State University (Department of Regional and Industrial Economics, Head chair)
doctor of economic sciences
Kemerovo, Russian Federation
ELIBRARY: 610300 ORCID:0000-0002-8102-392X
Nemirovskiy Valentin  — Editorial board member
Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INION RAN) (department of sociology and social psychology, Leading Researcher)
from 01.01.2022 until now doctor of sociological sciences ,
candidate of philosophical sciences
Sankt-Peterburg, Russian Federation
SCOPUS: 8418605200 Researcherid: G-3689-2015 ELIBRARY: 394256 ORCID:0000-0002-4076-465X
Nekhoda Evgeniya  — Editorial board member
National Research Tomsk State University (kafedra strategicheskogo menedzhmenta i marketinga, zaveduyuschiy)
doctor of economic sciences
Tomsk, Tomsk, Russian Federation
SCOPUS: 57133103100 Researcherid: O-6861-2014 ELIBRARY: 394965
Ozernikova Tatiana  — Editorial board member
Novosibirsk State Technical University (kafedra menedzhmenta, professor)
doctor of economic sciences
Irkutsk, Irkutsk region, Russian Federation
ELIBRARY: 399627 ORCID:0000-0001-5479-4406
Reznik Semen  — Editorial board member
Penza State University of Architecture and Construction (Department of Management, Head)
doctor of economic sciences
Penza, Penza, Russian Federation
SCOPUS: 7005971908 Researcherid: H-4904-2017 ELIBRARY: 496260 ORCID:0000-0001-6395-1450
Silin Anatoliy Nikolaevich  — Editorial board member
Tyumen Industrial University (kafedra marketinga i municipal'nogo upravleniya )
doctor of sociological sciences
Tyumen, Russian Federation
SCOPUS: 56681903300 Researcherid: S-4074-2018 ELIBRARY: 675602 ORCID:0000-0003-3331-165X
Slinkova Olga  — Editorial board member
Belgorod State National Research University (kafedra mezhdunarodnogo turizma i gostinichnogo biznesa )
Belgorod, Russian Federation
ELIBRARY: 520280 ORCID:0000-0003-0904-0845
Solodova Galina  — Editorial board member
Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences ( Leading Researcher)
doctor of sociological sciences
Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
SCOPUS: 39362330400 Researcherid: S-6157-2018 ELIBRARY: 440572
Suslov Viktor  — Editorial board member
Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of the Siberian Branch of the RAS (laboratoriya modelirovaniya i analiza ekonomicheskih processov, zaveduyuschiy)
doctor of economic sciences
corresponding member Russian Academy of Sciences ,
Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
SCOPUS: 36118380200 ELIBRARY: 1366 ORCID:0000-0001-7972-9811
Udaltsova Mariya  — Editorial board member
Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management (kafedra sociologii i upravleniya i social'nyh kommunikaciy, professor)
Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
ELIBRARY: 552977
Chirun Sergey  — Editorial board member
Kemerovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences, assistant professor)
doctor of political sciences
Kemerovo, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
SCOPUS: 57208759074 Researcherid: U-5230-2017 ELIBRARY: 474449 ORCID:0000-0001-7422-8030
Shashkova Yaroslava  — Editorial board member
Altai State University (kafedra politologii, zaveduyuschiy)
doctor of political sciences
Barnaul, Barkaul, Russian Federation
SCOPUS: 57195490420 ELIBRARY: 479041 ORCID:0000-0002-6126-7097
Kemerovo State University
The certificate of registration of the periodical (print)
ПИ № ФС 77 - 67376
Date of issue testifies to the registration of the newspaper (print)

Scientific journal "Bulletin of Kemerovo State University. Series: Political, Sociological, and Economic sciences" is a multidisciplinary open-access journal with mission to make research and knowledge accessible to everyone without discrimination.  Being published since 2016.

The Bulletin is registered by The Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media, Registration Certificate PI № FS 77 – 67376The International Standard Serial Issue (ISSN) of the Journal is 2500-3372 (print), 2542-1190 (online).

The broad scope of the journal creates a perfect environment to foster connections between researchers in the fields of political sciences, sociological sciences, and economics.

The journal publishes original scientific and review articles, reviews in the following areas: Political institutions, processes and technology, Sociology of management; Social structure, social institutions and processes, Economy and Management of National Economy; Finance, money circulation, and credit. It is recommended by the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles for publishing the dissertation research results.

All articles submitted to the editor are subject to mandatory double-blind review. Reviewers will be appointed by the editorial board. The double-blind peer review can be conducted by the members of the Editorial Board or by acknowledged academic specialists in the sphere.

"Bulletin of Kemerovo State University. Series: Political, Sociological, and Economic sciences" use native Russian-language plagiarism detection software Antiplagiat to screen the submissions. If plagiarism is identified, the COPE guidelines on plagiarism will be followed.

The journal provides direct open access to its content, based on the following principle: free open access to research results contributes to an increase in global knowledge sharing. The electronic version of the journal is available for viewing on the site of the publication, on the platforms of the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU, the CyberLeninka Scientific Electronic Library and on the Lan system of the electronic library system. The journal is included in some databases: Dimensions, Russian Science Citation Index (RISC), Scilit, Socoinet.

Journal archives are kept in Russian State Library (RSL), Russian Book Chamber ITAR-TASS Branch, V.D. Fedorov Kemerovo Regional Scientific Library (print.), Library of Kemerovo State University (print.), Scientific electronic library eLibrary.ru, Scientific electronic library CyberLeninka, Electronic library system "Lan".

All articles included in the journal “Bulletin of Kemerovo State University. Series: Political, Sociological, and Economic sciences” are published and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

Each issue of the Bulletin should be certainly sent to the federal government agency for the press, mass media, and mass communications, to the Russian Central Institute of Bibliography, and to other leading libraries, educational and scientific institutions of the Russian Federation.

The Journal is financed by the Founder and does not charge authors for fees for reviewing, preparing a journal for printing, publishing, as well as for placing articles in Open Access and site content.

Address of the Founder, Publisher:  6 Krasnaya St., Kemerovo, Kemerovo region, Russia, 650000; 8(3842)58-12-26; rector@kemsu.ru

Editorial Office Address: off. 4109, 6 Krasnaya St., Kemerovo, Kemerovo region, Russia, 650000; 8(3842)55-87-61

Contacts for co-operation:
Irina Maksimlyuk, Secretary; vk-seriya@yandex.ru

The structure of the article:

  1. Universal Decimal Classification Index (UDC).
  2. Article title.
  3. Initials and surname of the author (s).
  4. Abstract.
  5. Keywords.
  6. The text of the article with tables, figures, formulas.
  7. References.
  8. Information about the author (s): surname, name, patronymic; academic degree; academic title; position, place of work; telephone, e-mail address (e-mail), a unique number of the scientist (ORCID).

Requirements for the design of articles

  1. The text is typed without formatting and page numbering, taking into account paragraphs and special instructions in the requirements for the design of articles. The recommended size of the original article is 35–40 thousand characters, the overview one is more than 40 thousand characters including annotation, keywords and references.The title of the article (maximum length 10–12 words). Available in Russian and English.
  2. The initials and surname of the author (s) - separated by commas. Place of work and address of the organization. Available in Russian and English.
  3. The article should be annotated in Russian and English. The recommended volume is 150–250 words. Annotation to the article should be: informative (not contain common words); original; content (reflect the main content of the article and the results of research); structured (follow the logic of describing the results in the article); compact. The abstract should include the following aspects of the content of the article: subject, purpose of work; method or methodology of the work; work results; scope of results; findings.
  4. The article should be supplied with keywords in Russian and English (the recommended number of keywords is 6–10).
  5. The full text is structured and divided into segmented headings: an introduction, methods and materials, results, conclusion.
  6. Graphs, charts, diagrams, drawings drawn by MS Office are provided in separate files in the format of source applications (.xls, .vsd, .doc)
  7. Un-drawn objects (scanned images, photographs) are provided as separate files in graphic formats (.tif, .jpg or .png) with a resolution of> 300 dpi.
  8. Tables are provided as editable text, not as images.
  9. References include only sources used in the preparation of the article. References to the cited literature are given in square brackets. For the Original scientific article, the recommended number of links is 25–40, for a review article - from 80 links.
  10. References are placed after the text of the article, numbered (starting with the first number) in the order of mention in the text, preceded by the word "Literature". Under one number it is permissible to indicate only one source.
  11. It is allowed to cite any primary sources, BUT references to such materials as: unpublished works; State documents (government decrees, laws, etc.), historical documents, newspaper articles, Internet sources without authorship (forums, blogs, etc.) should be placed in subscripts.
  12. Dictionaries, artistic, journalistic and other sources are not included in the list of references, but are indicated separately.
  13. Links to Internet resources are allowed subject to the rules for describing online electronic publications.
  14. It is desirable to limit self-citations to 10% of references from the total number of sources.
  15. The description of sources is made in accordance with GOST 7.05 “Bibliography link. General requirements and rules of drafting.
  16. The list of references in the transliteration is preceded by the word References, given in a completely separate block. Sources in foreign languages ​​are transferred to the References list without changes, all Russian-language sources in the list of references should be presented in the Romanesque alphabet (in Latin).
  17. The last page of the article contains information about the authors in Russian and English: the full name of the institution where the study was performed; full names of the authors; academic degree, title, position, place of work, contact telephone numbers, e-mail address of all authors.
  18. The sequence of design elements - in accordance with the structure of the article.
  1. Application for publication of the article
  2. Instruction for the design of the manuscript with recommendations.
  3. Instruction for registration profile ORCID.
  4. Retraction policy
  5. The procedure for sending, reviewing and admitting a manuscript to publication.
  6. Examples of the description of the cited publications.
  7. Systems of text translation into Latin TranslitterationTranslit!
  8. Systems of automatic generation of bibliographic description: BibmeCitefastCitation Creatio

Compliance requirements of publication ethics apply to all members of the publishing process – authors, editors, reviewers, and the publisher of the journal. The editorial board monitors compliance with the ethics requirements based on the manuals prepared by specialized organizations, and publishers, as well as the Association of Science Editors and Publishers (ASEP). The main standards relied on by the journal Bulletin of Kemerovo State University are those developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (United Kingdom), by the publisher Elsevier (Netherlands), and the Declaration "Ethical Principles of Scientific Publications" (adopted by ASEP). 

The responsibility of editors

1. The editors are personally and independently responsible for the content of the materials published.
2. The editors make fair and objective decisions, regardless of any commercial interest and provide a fair and efficient process for the independent review.
3. The editors evaluate manuscripts' intellectual content, adhering to the principle of equality of Authors.
4. The editors do not work with articles for which they have a conflict of interest.
5. The editors resolve conflict situations arising during the editorial process.
6. The editors of the journal publish information concerning corrections, rebuttals, and review articles in case the need arises.
7. The editors do publish the final version of the article  only after agreement with the authors.
 8. The editors correctly conduct correspondence with authors and reviewers, timely respond to letters.

The responsibility of the reviewers

1. The reviewer evaluates his or her own availability before the examination of the manuscript and accepts materials for review only if the reviewer is able to allow for sufficient time as to ensure the quality his or her work.
2. The reviewer notifies the editorial staff of any conflict of interest (if one exists) before the start of the review of the article.
3. The reviewer does not send information about the article and or any of the data contained within the article to any third party, and does not use the information obtained from the article for any personal and or commercial purposes.
5. The reviewer draws conclusions about the quality of the article based on objective data, without expressing a personal relationship to the author.
6. The reviewer uses only proper and appropriate language and explanations in respect to the articles, avoiding any personal remarks.
7. The reviewer correctly conduct correspondence with editors, timely respond to letters.

The responsibility of the authors

1. The author is responsible for the accuracy of the data presented in the article, and guarantees the originality of its content.
2. The author notifies the editors if the article is based on previously published materials.
3. The author does not submit the same article to different journals for review.
4. All co-authors consent to the submission of their articles to the journal.
5. The author informs the editorial staff of a potential conflict of interest.
6. The author correctly cites his or her previous works and others' works, avoids self-plagiarism and an artificial increase in the volume of publications.
7. The list of authors included only individuals who have made significant contributions to the research.
8. If necessary, the authors either adjust the data presented in the article, or refute them.
9. The author, who is acting as the contact with journal, informs all other co-authors of all changes and suggestions from the editorial staff, and does not make decisions regarding the article alone without the written consent of all co-authors.
10. The author correctly conduct correspondence with editors, timely respond to letters.

The responsibility of the publisher

1. Publisher supports scientific communications, finances this process, is responsible for adhering to the principles and procedures that contribute to the ethical duties of all participants in the editorial and publishing process.
2. The publisher does not affect the editorial policy of the journal.
3. The publisher provides legal support to the journal if necessary.
4. The publisher provides for the timely release of next issues of the journal.

  1. General
    • We accept manuscripts of original articles and reviews in Russian and English.
    • The authors guarantee that:
      • they own the exclusive copyright for the manuscript they submit;
      • they publication will not infringe a third party’s copyright;
      • the manuscript has never been published;
      • they did not submit it to any other journal;
      • the list of authors includes only those who contributed to the research.
      • they agree with the Publication Ethics of the journal.
  2. Submission procedure
    • E-mail us your manuscript and additional materials or upload them as separate files using your personal account on our website.
    • If you previously submitted this article to some other journal but it was not accepted for publication, please inform us in your letter lest we should accidentally reject your manuscript after the initial check-up.
    • Please remember that the Editors do not enter into correspondence with Authors to discuss the content, methods, or formatting of the articles submitted. Neither do we improve the scientific and methodological quality of the paper. 
  3. Registration and Initial Check-Up
    • The registration and initial check-up stage normally take five days. We will e-mail you about the current status of your manuscript. If you did not get a letter from us within five days, it means that we did not receive your submission due to some technical problem. Please send your letter again or call +7(3842)58-13-01.
    • The Editor checks all submitted manuscripts for compliance with the profile of The Bulletin, Publishing Ethics (plagiarism, doubling, etc.), and formatting requirements (text volume, structure, number of keywords, abstract volume, references, in-text references, information about the Authors, etc.)
    • If your article is beyond the scope of the Bulletin or violates our Publishing Ethics, you will receive a substantiated rejection letter.
    • If the submitted article does not meet our formatting requirements, it will be returned to you for revision and improvement. 
    • Should you fail to e-mail us the improved version within 10 days, your next attempt will automatically be classified as a new submission.
    • Please visit our website to find out more about formatting requirements.
  4. If the manuscript passes the initial check-up, it will be peer-reviewed by two experts in accordance with the rules established by the Editorial. The review process is double-blind to provide anonymity for both authors and reviewers.
  5. Admission Procedure
    • After your manuscript has been approved for publication, the Editor will inform you by e-mail and state the approximate publication date.
    • We do not guarantee that your manuscript will be published in the next issue: the review procedure usually takes some time.
    • We can provide you with an official letter that your manuscript has been accepted for publication. Do not hesitate to request a confirmation letter, if needed.
    • publishing license agreement is signed by the Author(s) after the article is recommended for publication.
    • Papers are published depending on the registration date and editorial plans. Articles on topical issues and break-through research can be published out of turn by the decision of the Editor-in-Chief.
  6. Editing and Publishing
    • All manuscripts are published only after they undergo literary editing and proofreading.
    • All changes made by the Editor require your consent by e-mail.
    • You will receive the typeset article for final approval before publication.
    • All articles have a printed and online version.


Journal "Bulletin of Kemerovo State University. Series: Political, Sociological and Economic sciences" is open access journal fully funded by Kemerovo State University. The Journal is committed to ensuring that all of the articles we publish are freely available. Articles are available to all without change, and there are no article processing charges for authors.

  1. After your paper has successfully passed the initial check-up stage, it will have to undergo a double review. The reviewer reviews the manuscript without knowledge of the authors' names. Likewise, the author does not know the name of the reviewer. Correspondence between the author and the reviewer takes place via e-mail in the edition on the journal.
  2. Reviewers will be appointed by the editorial board. The peer review can be conducted by the members of the Editorial Board or by acknowledged academic specialists in the sphere.
  3. Reviewers follow the rules of publication ethics established by the editorial board.
  4. Appointed reviewers can refuse to analyze the manuscript in case there is a conflict of interest or if they cannot provide an unbiased review for some reason.
  5. Reviews (review sample) are written in free form; however, they clarify the following compulsory aspects:
  • Does the paper correspond with the profile of the journal? Is the topic relevant?
  • Does the paper possess any theoretical and practical significance?
  • Is the author’s approach novel?
  • Is the style scientific and clear?
  1. We will normally send you anonymous reviews of your paper within 21-60 days.
  2. The reviews contain one of the following recommendations:
  • publish the paper as it is;
  • publish the paper after it has been improved according to the recommendations of the reviewers if the author agrees to make such improvements;
  • publish the paper only after it has been improved according to the recommendations of the reviewers;
  • reject the manuscript with the right to resubmit it;
  • reject the manuscript with no future resubmission.
  1. Your manuscript might have to undergo an extra review if considered necessary.
  2. In case the editor e-mails you a list of suggested improvements, you can accept them or to give a substantiated refusal.
  3. Please e-mail your improved variant back to the editor within 30 days; otherwise your manuscript will have to start from square one.
  4. Your improved version has to be accompanied by a cover letter as a separate file (Name_answer) where you will have to respond to the criticism and explain all the improvements you have made in your paper (Name_paper_improved). Please highlight all the improvements in the text.
  5. If the reviews are negative, you will be sent a substantiated rejection letter signed by the chief editor or the deputy editor.
  6. In case of rejection, you may challenge our decision by sending a letter of appeal to the chief editor. In your letter, please, explain why your manuscript should be reconsidered. Enclose an improved version of your paper, if necessary. Please, mind that the decision made by the chief editor is final and cannot be challenged.
  7. The chief editor considers the final edited version of every paper, reviews, and the author’s response and makes the final decision (approved / returned to the author for further revision / rejected). After that, the editor will inform you about the final decision of the chief editor within 10 days.
  8. Should you need a copy of the reviews, do not hesitate to send us your request. Mind that the copy will be anonymous.
  9. Copies of all reviews can be submitted to the Supreme Qualifying Committee upon request.
  10. Original reviews are stored in the editorial office for 5 years.
  11. In case the authors do not respond to the constructive feedback from the reviewers or the editor, the manuscript is likely to be rejected.

The Editors of the Bulletin of Kemerovo State University adhere to the following retraction policy:

The editors can retract a published article to inform the readers that the article contains faulty / unreliable data, plagiarisms, an unreported conflict of interests, or doubling, i.e. if new information has been revealed that can affect the interpretation of the published data or recommendations on their use.

Therefore, an article can be retracted if the Editors found out that

  • the article violates the ethics of scientific publishing;
  • the author(s) published one and the same data or manuscript in several journals without a serious reason, authorization, or cross reference;
  • the bulk of the article was copied prom a previously published work by a different author;
  • if the article contains invalid data, be it the result of a deliberate violation, miscalculation, experimental error, or misprint.

Retraction can be initiated by authors, readers, reviewers, editors, and other publishers by officially appealing to the Editorial Board. An expertise conducted by the Editorial Board can also trigger a retraction procedure.

If the Editorial Board failed to answer a retraction claim from the author within 10 days, the author is free to appeal to the Society of Science Editors and Publishers.

If the Editorial Board decides to retract the article based on the violations mentioned above, the corresponding author is sent a notification that explains the reasons for the retraction. The final decision takes into account the explanation given by the author. Should the author fail to respond within 10 days, the Editors are free to retract the publication without the author’s concern. Irrespective of the fact whether the authors accept the standpoint of the editorial board or not, the retraction is an abiding procedure.

The retraction protocol is sent to the corresponding author, the Society of Science Editors and Publishers, eLIBRARY.RU, and CUBERLENINKA e-libraries. A retraction note, which states its reason and date, is published both in paper and online versions of the Journal. After that, the article will be marked as RETRACTED in all reference databases. Retracted articles are excluded from all citation indices and reference lists and do not affect electronic calculations of one’s personal scientific achievements.

After the retraction procedure has been completed, the Editorial Board retains the right not to accept other manuscripts submitted by the author(s) in question for a certain period.

The printed version of the journal "Bulletin of Kemerovo State University. Series: Political, Sociological, and Economic sciences" is distributed through a subscription in the catalog "Press of Russia" (subscription index – 94233).

To purchase individual issues of the printed version, please contact us at vestnik@kemsu.ru or call +7(3842)55-87-61.

The paid-off issues may be collected at the Editorial Office: Kemerovo State University, Office 149, Bld.2, 73, Sovetskii Ave, Kemerovo, Kemerovo region (Kuzbass), 650000, Russia.

How you can subscribing and pay for the issue

Pay online (How to make a payment)


4 times a year

                        Gonzalez Cedillo Joel Ivan
Gonzalez Cedillo Joel Ivan St. Petersburg State University
graduate student

                        Abdulmanapov Salihbek
Abdulmanapov Salihbek Dagestan State Institute of National Economy ( Direktor NII "Upravlenie, ekonomika, politika, sociologiya")
doctor of economic sciences


                        Abramov Viktor Ivanovich
Abramov Viktor Ivanovich National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” (kafedra "Upravlenie biznes-proektami", Professor)
doctor of economic sciences


                        Abramovskiy Il'ya
Abramovskiy Il'ya P. G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University

                        Avdokushin YEvgyeniy
Avdokushin YEvgyeniy Moscow Pedagogical State University

                        Akeleva Daria V.
Akeleva Daria V. Kemerovo State University

                        Akinfeeva E. V.
Akinfeeva E. V. Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

                        Aksianova A. V.
Aksianova A. V. Kazan National Research Technological University

                        Akulov Anatoly
Akulov Anatoly Kemerovo State University

                        Alagoz Nataly
Alagoz Nataly Kemerovo State University
graduate student

                        Alistratova Dar'ya
Alistratova Dar'ya Donetsk National Technical University

                        Alfer'ev Dmitriy
Alfer'ev Dmitriy Vologda Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

                        Albrecht O. A.
Albrecht O. A. Magnitogorsk State Technical University

                        Ananieva Pavel
Ananieva Pavel Polzunov Altai State Technical University

                        Andreev Andrey
Andreev Andrey Provincial television and radio channel "Kuzbass"

                        Andrianova Natalya Valentinovna
Andrianova Natalya Valentinovna V. G. Timiryasov Kazan Innovative University

                        Anisimova N. Yu.
Anisimova N. Yu. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University

                        Aniskin Vladislav
Aniskin Vladislav Kemerovo State University

                        Antipin I. A.
Antipin I. A. Ural State University of Economics

                        Antonova I. S.
Antonova I. S. National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University

Morozova Elena  — Chief editor
Kemerovo State University (kafedra menedzhmenta imeni I. P. Povaricha, zaveduyuschaya kafedroy imeni I. P. Povaricha)
doctor of economic sciences

Kemerovo, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Researcherid: T-8767-2017 ELIBRARY: 662881 ORCID:0000-0003-2215-9808
Baranova Inna  — Editorial board member
Novosibirsk State Technical University (kafedry audita, ucheta i finansov, professor)
doctor of economic sciences

Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
ELIBRARY: 268831
Bychkova Svetlana  — Editorial board member
Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University (Department of Accounting and Audit, professor)
doctor of economic sciences
Academic rank Honored Worker of Higher School of the Russian Federation
Pushkin, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
SCOPUS: 57194520917 Researcherid: A-8187-2017 ELIBRARY: 284104 ORCID:0000-0001-7684-9025
Glushakova Olga  — Editorial board member
Novosibirsk State Theater Institute (kafedra istorii teatra, literatury i muzyki, professor)
doctor of economic sciences

Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
SCOPUS: 57190974009 Researcherid: H-8004-2016 ELIBRARY: 563421 ORCID:0000-0002-9268-415X
Kapoguzov Evgenii  — Editorial board member
Dostoevsky Omsk State University (kafedra ekonomicheskoy teorii i predprinimatel'stva, zaveduyuschiy)
doctor of economic sciences

Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
Researcherid: O-5278-2017 ELIBRARY: 337296 ORCID:0000-0001-8083-5654
Kislyakov Mikhail  — Editorial board member
Siberian Institute of Management (branch) of The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (kafedra gosudarstvennogo i municipal'nogo upravleniya, professor)
doctor of political sciences

Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
ELIBRARY: 641431
Kravchenko Sergey  — Editorial board member
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (kafedra sociologii, zaveduyuschiy)
doctor of philosophical sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
SCOPUS: 14630561400 Researcherid: H-5769-2016 ELIBRARY: 77019
Krämer Raimund  — Editorial board member
Potsdam University
doctor of political sciences

Potsdam, Germany
Kurbatova Margarita  — Editorial board member
Siberian Federal University (Nauchno-uchebnaya laboratoriya ekonomiki prirodnyh resursov i okruzhayuschey sredy, glavnyy nauchnyy sotrudnik)
employee from 01.01.1921 until now
doctor of economic sciences

Krasnoyarks, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Researcherid: E-6580-2014 ELIBRARY: 613052 ORCID:0000-0002-7017-5266
Mekush Galina  — Editorial board member
Kemerovo State University (Department of Regional and Industrial Economics, Head chair)
doctor of economic sciences

Kemerovo, Russian Federation
ELIBRARY: 610300 ORCID:0000-0002-8102-392X
Nemirovskiy Valentin  — Editorial board member
Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INION RAN) (department of sociology and social psychology, Leading Researcher)
from 01.01.2022 until now doctor of sociological sciences ,
candidate of philosophical sciences

Sankt-Peterburg, Russian Federation
SCOPUS: 8418605200 Researcherid: G-3689-2015 ELIBRARY: 394256 ORCID:0000-0002-4076-465X
Nekhoda Evgeniya  — Editorial board member
National Research Tomsk State University (kafedra strategicheskogo menedzhmenta i marketinga, zaveduyuschiy)
doctor of economic sciences

Tomsk, Tomsk, Russian Federation
SCOPUS: 57133103100 Researcherid: O-6861-2014 ELIBRARY: 394965
Ozernikova Tatiana  — Editorial board member
Novosibirsk State Technical University (kafedra menedzhmenta, professor)
doctor of economic sciences

Irkutsk, Irkutsk region, Russian Federation
ELIBRARY: 399627 ORCID:0000-0001-5479-4406
Reznik Semen  — Editorial board member
Penza State University of Architecture and Construction (Department of Management, Head)
doctor of economic sciences

Penza, Penza, Russian Federation
SCOPUS: 7005971908 Researcherid: H-4904-2017 ELIBRARY: 496260 ORCID:0000-0001-6395-1450
Silin Anatoliy Nikolaevich  — Editorial board member
Tyumen Industrial University (kafedra marketinga i municipal'nogo upravleniya )
doctor of sociological sciences

Tyumen, Russian Federation
SCOPUS: 56681903300 Researcherid: S-4074-2018 ELIBRARY: 675602 ORCID:0000-0003-3331-165X
Slinkova Olga  — Editorial board member
Belgorod State National Research University (kafedra mezhdunarodnogo turizma i gostinichnogo biznesa )

Belgorod, Russian Federation
ELIBRARY: 520280 ORCID:0000-0003-0904-0845
Solodova Galina  — Editorial board member
Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences ( Leading Researcher)
doctor of sociological sciences

Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
SCOPUS: 39362330400 Researcherid: S-6157-2018 ELIBRARY: 440572
Suslov Viktor  — Editorial board member
Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of the Siberian Branch of the RAS (laboratoriya modelirovaniya i analiza ekonomicheskih processov, zaveduyuschiy)
doctor of economic sciences

corresponding member Russian Academy of Sciences ,
Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
SCOPUS: 36118380200 ELIBRARY: 1366 ORCID:0000-0001-7972-9811
Udaltsova Mariya  — Editorial board member
Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management (kafedra sociologii i upravleniya i social'nyh kommunikaciy, professor)

Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
ELIBRARY: 552977
Chirun Sergey  — Editorial board member
Kemerovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences, assistant professor)
doctor of political sciences

Kemerovo, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
SCOPUS: 57208759074 Researcherid: U-5230-2017 ELIBRARY: 474449 ORCID:0000-0001-7422-8030
Shashkova Yaroslava  — Editorial board member
Altai State University (kafedra politologii, zaveduyuschiy)
doctor of political sciences

Barnaul, Barkaul, Russian Federation
SCOPUS: 57195490420 ELIBRARY: 479041 ORCID:0000-0002-6126-7097

Journal's mission

Scientific journal "Bulletin of Kemerovo State University. Series: Political, Sociological, and Economic sciences" is a multidisciplinary open-access journal with mission to make research and knowledge accessible to everyone without discrimination.  Being published since 2016.

The Bulletin is registered by The Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media, Registration Certificate PI № FS 77 – 67376The International Standard Serial Issue (ISSN) of the Journal is 2500-3372 (print), 2542-1190 (online).

The broad scope of the journal creates a perfect environment to foster connections between researchers in the fields of political sciences, sociological sciences, and economics.

The journal publishes original scientific and review articles, reviews in the following areas: Political institutions, processes and technology, Sociology of management; Social structure, social institutions and processes, Economy and Management of National Economy; Finance, money circulation, and credit. It is recommended by the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles for publishing the dissertation research results.

All articles submitted to the editor are subject to mandatory double-blind review. Reviewers will be appointed by the editorial board. The double-blind peer review can be conducted by the members of the Editorial Board or by acknowledged academic specialists in the sphere.

"Bulletin of Kemerovo State University. Series: Political, Sociological, and Economic sciences" use native Russian-language plagiarism detection software Antiplagiat to screen the submissions. If plagiarism is identified, the COPE guidelines on plagiarism will be followed.

The journal provides direct open access to its content, based on the following principle: free open access to research results contributes to an increase in global knowledge sharing. The electronic version of the journal is available for viewing on the site of the publication, on the platforms of the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU, the CyberLeninka Scientific Electronic Library and on the Lan system of the electronic library system. The journal is included in some databases: Dimensions, Russian Science Citation Index (RISC), Scilit, Socoinet.

Journal archives are kept in Russian State Library (RSL), Russian Book Chamber ITAR-TASS Branch, V.D. Fedorov Kemerovo Regional Scientific Library (print.), Library of Kemerovo State University (print.), Scientific electronic library eLibrary.ru, Scientific electronic library CyberLeninka, Electronic library system "Lan".

All articles included in the journal “Bulletin of Kemerovo State University. Series: Political, Sociological, and Economic sciences” are published and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

Each issue of the Bulletin should be certainly sent to the federal government agency for the press, mass media, and mass communications, to the Russian Central Institute of Bibliography, and to other leading libraries, educational and scientific institutions of the Russian Federation.

The Journal is financed by the Founder and does not charge authors for fees for reviewing, preparing a journal for printing, publishing, as well as for placing articles in Open Access and site content.

Address of the Founder, Publisher:  6 Krasnaya St., Kemerovo, Kemerovo region, Russia, 650000; 8(3842)58-12-26; rector@kemsu.ru

Editorial Office Address: off. 4109, 6 Krasnaya St., Kemerovo, Kemerovo region, Russia, 650000; 8(3842)55-87-61

Contacts for co-operation:
Irina Maksimlyuk, Secretary; vk-seriya@yandex.ru

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