Обложка журнала
Journal title (English)
Language of publication
Russian, English
2310-5593 (print) 2519-1209 (online)
Periodicity (English)

6 issues per year

Russian science citation index:
Yes 50647

Article submission requirements

When sending an article to the journal, the author should make sure that the article has not been previously published, sent to another publisher, approved by all authors or organizations. You can check the article for originality using the Anti-plagiarism service: http://www.antiplagiat.ru

The originality level of the article should not be lower than 80%.

All submitted materials for publication in the journal must correspond to the following requirements. Articles that do not meet them are not accepted for publication.

The package of documents of the author includes:

•    The article by the author, prepared in accordance with the requirements for submission
•    Application of the author
•    Anti-Plagiarism service report of http://www.antiplagiat.ru
•    Contract of the author

General requirements for submission of the article

The articles are submitted in digital form. The file format is Microsoft Word .doc; .docx; rtf or .odt (Open Document Type). The name of the file includes the name of the journal column (listed at the beginning of the second page) and the name of the author (one of the authors). For example: Sociology-Sviridov.rtf

Paper size: A4. Font: Times New Roman, font size - 14 pt. Line spacing - one and a half. Paragraph indent - 1.25 cm. Margins - bottom, top, left, right - 2 cm. No page numbering. Justified alignment of the main text. Article length is from 20,000 to 40,000 printed characters with spaces.

Text formatting should be simple. In scientific articles avoid highlighting by underlining, capital letters or spacing. Use italics if necessary.

Article structure

The article must include

UDC (Universal Decimal Classifier) should be obtained from the bibliographic section of the university library, information department or found out by using the UDC Referentory: http://teacode.com/online/udc/

Article tittle. Brief and informative, presenting the subject of the article. Use of abbreviations and formulas in the title should be avoided, except for personal names, devices and other objects having corresponding names. It should be typed in capital letters, bold, center alignment.

Author(s) initials and surname. Capital letters, bold. After the article is accepted for publication, the number of authors and their order are not subject to change (addition, deletion, rearrangement).

Place of employment of authors including city and country.

Abstract summary by the authoincludes subsections: objective, research methods, research results, scientific novelty and practical significance. Each section should be separated and begin with a new line. The length of the abstract should not exceed 250 words. There should be no references in the abstract.

Keywords (not less than 3, not more than 8 words or word combinations, usual font, are typed in one line separated by ";").

Text of the article is divided into sections: Introduction, Subject Sections (Main Part) and Summary or Conclusion. Each section should be separated and start with a new line.  Subject sections may include second level subsections. Level 3 subsections are not allowed. Sections are highlighted in bold and aligned by center.

Subsections are italicized, aligned to the left margin.

The text of the article may use marked or numbered lists, which are created by standard means of the text editor.

In the text of the article "guillemets" quotes should be used, if necessary, use double quotation marks inside the quote. The letter "ё" is not used. If abbreviations are present in the text, the first use in parentheses should follow the transcription.

Number of references - from 10 to 60. 
All references in the text should have footnotes designed as quotes.
The reference list should consist of 80% of research on the author's topic published in periodicals, 5-8 sources should be published not earlier than 2014.
The font is a normal, numbered list, enumeration is in order of citation.(not alphabetically?)

Full author details include the following data: 
•    last name, full patronymic name;
•    academic degree;
•    academic title;
•    occupation or profession;
•    place of employment, study (name of institution or organization, including division, department, faculty);
•    address (including postcode) and telephone number of the organization;
•    personal email address (including index) and telephone number; 
•    ORCID identifier of the author (To receive your ORCID, please register at http://orcid.org/)
References and footnotes
References may include:
•    Articles from printed scientific journals (or electronic versions of printed scientific journals);
•    books;
•    monographs;
•    published conference proceedings;
•    patents.
These sources are required to: 
•    Have a clear copyright identity;
•    Be easy to find by search engines (Google, Yandex, Bing, etc.).

The sources are numbered in the order they appear in the text, the source number is enclosed in square brackets. If several sources are referenced, they are listed in square brackets through a semicolon or dash. If a specific page is required, it is placed after the source number by semicolon. For example: [1-4], [2; 7], [5, p. 276].
Page footnotes are brief notes to the text of an article or sources not acceptable for references, such as:
•    Textbooks;
•    Articles from any non-scientific journals;
•    Normative and legislative texts;
•    Statistical collections and archives;
•    Sources without mentioning the author (e.g. edited collections);
•    Electronic resources (electronic journals, online articles, newspaper and any news resources, reports and various studies on websites, sites of institutions and organizations);
•    Dictionaries, encyclopaedias, other directories;
•    Reports, memoirs, notes, reports, protocols.
Page footnotes should be sequentially numbered throughout the article and created using standard text editor tools.
NOTE: Abstracts and dissertations are not included in the references or page footnotes! 

Tables and Figures
All tables and figures should be included in the text and should have a title, through numbering and reference to the source. References to figures and tables are placed in the text in parentheses. 
The word "table" and its serial number are placed in front of the table and aligned to the right margin. On the next line, the table header in bold is placed in the center. Double frames, scanned tables are not allowed.
The source (or sources) of data and, if necessary, notes should be specified under the table.
The header of the figure is placed under the graphic item, put in bold and aligned to the center. Explanations, legends or symbols of constituent parts are placed from a new line and have the usual outline. As with tables, the source (or sources) of data is indicated below.
Drawings, diagrams, charts and other graphic elements are created using software. The use of manually drawn and scanned graphic elements is not allowed.
Make sure that the graphs, diagrams and charts do not have signatures in a language other than the article language.
Mathematical expressions
Mathematical expressions (formulas, equations, functions, etc.) as well as variables in the text should be formatted only in the MathType formula editor and not as images.
Mathematical expressions should be numbered in parentheses to the right if they are referred to later in the text. Explanations of all variables listed in the order in which they appear should be given under each expression.
If the mathematical expressions are given as graphic elements, the explanations are placed in a note to these graphic elements.
Translation of articles
The article shall be translated into English in whole or in part.
In case of partial translation only the Text of the article is not translated. All other elements of the publication are translated into English and placed after the article in Russian. The translation must be done by a competent professional. The use of electronic translators for scientific articles is unacceptable.
In case of full translation, the information in Russian is not duplicated.
Translation of the references should be done as follows:
Except for the source name, it is not translated, but transliterated. In addition, it is necessary to remove characters that are absent in the SCOPUS database, e.g. //, -, character number and add the source language designation in parentheses. We recommend using  http://www.translit.ru for transliteration. In this case the source conversion is performed in two stages. 1). Complete transliteration. 2) Final processing. For example: 
After transliteration:
Kochukova E. V.,  Pavlova O. V., Raftopulo Iu. B. Sistema ekspertnykh otsenok v informatsionnom obespechenii uchenykh // Informatsionnoe obespechenie nauki. Novye tekhnologii: Sb. nauch. tr. M.: Nauchnyi Mir, 2009. S. 190‒199.
After processing (final result):
Kochukova E.V., Pavlova O. V.,  Raftopulo Iu. B. Information Support of Science. New Technologies: Collected papers. Moscow: Nauchnyi Mir, 2009. P.190‒199 (in Russian).

Below is an example of an article that meets all the requirements.

Publishing ethics

Currently, compliance with laws and regulations, principles of publication ethics and relations between the participants of the scientific publishing community play a key role in increasing the number of high-quality scientific publications and successful development of mutual cooperation of authors and publishers.

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Ethical Principles of Scientific Publications Authorship

Author (a group of authors) realizes that they are responsible for novelty and reliability of research results. This includes following principles:

  • Authors must submit authentic results of the research they carried out. Deliberately falsified or fraudulent arguments are unacceptable;

  • Authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works. Adopted fragments and statements should be appropriately cited or quoted with an indication of an author and an original source. In the case of other work’s fragments usage or appropriations of statements by other authors, this work should have corresponding bibliographic references with mandatory definition of the author and primary source. All articles must be subjected to the checkup by means of the service «Antiplagiat»;

  • The contribution of everyone who in one way or another influenced the process of research must be acknowledged; in particular, the paper must include references to papers that were considered in the study.

  • Authors must not submit to the journal papers that are currently under review at another journal, as well as papers that have already been published in a different journal.

  • Co-authors of the article should include all persons who have implemented significant contributions to the study. Indication of persons who are not involved in the study is unacceptable.

  • Authors are obliged to disclose all conflicts of interest that can influence their manuscript assessment and interpretation. All sources of financial support (grants, governmental programs, projects, etc.) must be disclosed and obligatory listed in the manuscript

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Ethical Principles of Publication Reviewing

Reviewers are responsible for academic expertise of copyrighted materials, so their work should be impartial and adhere to the following principles:

  • A paper received for review must be considered as a confidential document that cannot be transferred for information or discussion to third parties that are not authorized by the editorial office.

  • A reviewer must provide an objective and substantiated evaluation of a study’s described results. Personal criticism of the author is unacceptable.

  • Unpublished data received from submitted papers must not be used for personal purposes by the reviewer.

  • The reviewer, who does not regard himself as a specialist in the field considered in the paper or understands that he would not be able to provide a review of the paper within the proposed or mutually agreed time-frame, must inform the Editorial Board about his inability to review the submitted paper as soon as possible.

  • Independent reviewers are informed about the requirements they should meet, and the information on any changes in editorial policy is provided.

Editorial board protects confidentiality of the reviewers’ personal data.

The reviewer is guided by "The Singapore regulations on research integrity" (2010).

Ethical Principles of Editing

The editor is professionally responsible for bringing works of authorship to the public, which requires that they adhere to the following basic principles:

  • Editorial board publishes information materials for authors (the list of the necessary requirements for the articles, the procedure for article consideration and review) in the journal and on the website www.ppublishing.org.

  • Editorial board shall decide on the acceptance or rejection of publications based on the results of the inspection of the manuscript for compliance with the requirements for registration and the results of the review. Editorial board has the right to reject the publication of articles with evidence of slander, insult, plagiarism or copyright violations. The final decision on the publication of an article or refusal of such is accepted by the chief editor of the journal.

  • Editorial board ensures confidentiality, i.e. undertakes not to disclose the submitted manuscript to anyone except the respective authors, reviewers, other editorial advisers and, if required, the publisher.

  • With respect to the materials considered for publication, editorial board selects independent reviewers having enough experience and no conflict of interests.

  • Editorial board shall work to ensure and improve the quality of published materials, meet the needs of readers and authors, make a significant contribution to the development of national and foreign science.

  • Principles of editorial activities include: relevancy, importance, clarity, reliability, validity of research materials.

  • Thoroughness, fairness, uniqueness, fullness of submissions, balance, originality, and clarity are adopted as the main indicators of high quality of published research materials.

  • Editorial Board is working to attract and recruit in the staff of the editorial board highly qualified professionals, actively contributing to the development of the journal.

  • Editorial board is constantly improving the processes of reviewing, editing and publication evaluation by experts.

  • Editorial board ensures careful consideration of publications for image manipulation, plagiarism, duplicate or redundant publication.

  • Editorial Board shall decide on the acceptance or rejection of an article for publication on the basis of all the comments of independent reviewers in general. The final editorial decision and the reasons for its adoption is reported to the authors.

  • Editorial board shall promptly consider each claim for unethical behavior of the authors of manuscripts and already published articles, regardless of the time of their delivery. It shall undertake appropriate reasonable measures in respect of such claims. In case the claim arguments are confirmed, the editors have the right to reject publication of the article, cease further cooperation with the author, publish a retraction, and take other necessary measures to further curb unethical behaviour of this author.

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Declaration on conflict of interest

Authors must disclose conflicts of interests that could affect the evaluation and interpretation of their manuscript, as well as the sources of financial support for the project (grants, state programs, projects, etc.), which should be necessarily indicated in the manuscript.

With respect to the materials considered for publication editorial board selects independent reviewers having enough experience and no conflict of interests.

Reviewers have no right to use unpublished manuscript materials in their own research without the express written consent of the author. The reviewer is obliged to refrain from examining the manuscript, in connection with which he has a conflict of interests because of the competitive, cooperative or other relationship with the author or organization related to the manuscript.

Premier Publishing s.r.o., being the founder of the Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, is an independent international publisher of open access, peer-reviewed journals committed to disseminating the fruits of latest research to the global community as widely as possible. In keeping with that commitment, we offer the following policy:

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The procedure for submission and publication of academic articles and dissemination

1. Academic articles in the following branches: Art History and Cultural Studies, History, Political Science, Psychology, Pedagogy, Sociology, Philosophy, Philology and Linguistics, Economics and Management, Science of Law are published in Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences.

The article selection criteria are the compliance with the journal profile, novelty, relevancy and validity of the results. The submitted manuscripts are not sent back. It is not allowed to submit to the editorial office the research materials that have been published and/or accepted for publication at another publisher. By submitting an article to the editorial board, the author agrees to editor's alteration of the material.

2. The issue of the journal is composed by the editorial board of the journal which consists of Russian and foreign experts. The journal is published by the editorial staff of the journal.

3. The journal is peer-reviewed. The recognized qualified Russian and foreign experts in the relevant field of expertise act as reviewers.

4. The editorial board reviews all research materials, monitors compliance of the article submission guidelines by authors.

5. Authors, reviewers, editorial board and editorial staff of the journal shall comply with the provisions of the Ethics of Scientific Publications.

6. The editorial board does not edit the title and text of the research material, as well as the references. All responsibility for the correctness of references rests with the author.

7. When the issue of the journal is composed, preference is given to the materials that:
- correspond to the thematic profile and headings of the journal;
- contain a clear description of the problem and a reasoned author's variant of its solution;
- are original (prepared by the authors independently and not previously published);
- are of a research novelty (are based on the results of their own academic studies and present new academic knowledge);
- have an academic voice (general language literacy, logicality, consistency, clarity, specific terminology, the presence of references, etc.);

8. The article is submitted to the editorial office of the journal by e-mail (by means of personal account on the website of the journal https://ajh.ppublishing.org). It is drawn up in accordance with the requirements for academic articles.

9. After registration, the article is sent for the initial assessment to the chief editor (assistant chief editor) who appoints the reviewers for the article.

10. The single-blind peer review is performed in the journal. The authors of the article and their regalia are visible to the reviewer.

11. After conducting an expert assessment of the article, the reviewer sends a completed review to the editorial office.

12. The decision to publish an article is made by the editorial board of the journal depending on the results of peer review and verification of the text of the manuscript for originality using specialized software.

If the originality of the text is below 80% (while the borrowings must be correctly formatted), the article is rejected.

No more than two articles of one author including the ones written in collaboration can be published in one issue of the journal.

13. The editorial board of the journal sends to the author(s) the e-mail about the decision taken with respect to the article: to publish, to publish after revision. The recommendations for revision are given in the letter.

The editorial board sends the article revised by the author on the recommendation of the reviewer to the same reviewer to be re-reviewed.

If the decision to reject the publication is made, the reasons for such a decision shall be indicated. If the author does not agree with the decision of the publisher to reject the publication, the author must advance arguments for each rejected clause and the new reviewer will be assigned to review the article. A double-rejected article cannot be resubmitted to the publisher.

14. If the article is recommended for publication, it undergoes the editorial preparation - technical and literary editing, and proofreading. The final version of the article prepared for publication is agreed with the author(s), if necessary

If the article is recommended for publication, it undergoes editorial training - technical and literary editing, proofreading. The final version of the article prepared for publication, if necessary, is agreed with the author(s).

15. The next issue of the journal will include the articles in relation to which, by the time the page makeup starts (in accordance with the production schedule), there are reviews agreed with the author(s) that recommend publication.

16. The journal is published   bimonthly. 6 issues of the journal are published per year.

17. The authors of articles and members of the editorial board will receive the issue of the journal in electronic form (by e-mail).

18. The copyright for all materials published in the journal belongs to the authors, founder and publisher.

19. The authors guarantee to the journal the right to reproduce unique materials in their work. In case of unauthorized use by authors of materials, the rights to which belong to third persons, the authors of the manuscript are responsible for their reproduction.

All incoming articles that correspond to the theme and profile of the journal are peer-reviewed in the journal "Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences".

The reviewers are Russian and foreign Candidates and Doctors of Sciences in a particular area of expertise who have prepared their own reviewing articles over the past 5 years.

1) Single-blind peer review.

2) The academic supervisor’s opinion for the acceptance of material is not required.

3) No fee is charged for reviewing (unless the author requires the original printed review signed and stamped by the publisher).

4) The editorial staff provides reviewing of all scientific materials, monitors the observance of the article submission guidelines by the authors.

5) Authors, reviewers, editorial staff and journal staff comply with the provisions of the Scientific Publication Ethics.

6) The editorial staff does not edit the title and the text of scientific material, and the references. The author bears full responsibility for the correctness of the references.

7) The chief editor assesses the materials received for publication for compliance with the profile of the journal, with the submission requirements and formal requirements to publication. The editor appoints the reviewer.

8) The author receives the confirmation that the article is accepted for review. Review period is up to 15 business days. During this time, a notification about the results of the review and a review of the article will be sent to the author by e-mail.

9) The author or co-author of the article, academic supervisor or consultant cannot be as the reviewer of the article.

10) The reviewers are notified that the submitted manuscripts are considered as the intellectual property of the authors and the information is not subject to disclosure. It is not allowed to reproduce copy of the articles.

11) The reviewer gives an expert opinion in any convenient form and conducts a mandatory assessment of the following article parameters:

  • Relevance for sciences according to the nomenclature of specialties of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles;

  • Interest to the journal (relevance of the subject matter);

  • Scientific quality of the manuscript;

  • Scientific novelty;

  • Theoretical and/or practical significance;

  • Compliance of the references with the relevance of subject matter;

  • Mandatory (desirable) changes.

12) The decision to publish the article is made by the editorial staff of the journal depending on the results of reviewing and verification of the manuscript text for originality using specialized software. If the originality of the text is below 80% (the borrowings must be correctly executed), the article will be rejected.

13) No more than two articles of one author including the ones written in collaboration can be published in one issue of the journal.

14) The editorial staff of the journal will send to the author(s) the e-mail letter about the decision taken with respect to the article: to publish/ to publish after revision. The recommendations for revision are given in the letter.

The editorial staff will send the article revised by the author on the recommendation of the reviewer to the same reviewer to be re-reviewed.

If the decision to reject the publication is made, the reasons for such a decision shall be indicated. If the author does not agree with the decision of the publisher to reject the publication, the author must advance arguments for each rejected clause and the new reviewer will be assigned to review the article. A double-rejected article cannot be resubmitted to the publisher.

15) If the article is recommended for publication, it undergoes the editorial preparation - technical and literary editing, and proofreading. The final version of the article prepared for publication is agreed with the author(s), if necessary.

16) Time limits of article publication are minimum 2 months and maximum 6 months.

"Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences" publishes articles of full open access. The scientific community and the wide audience can have unlimited and immediate access to all content published in our journals, free of charge, as soon as it is published in the Internet.

"Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences" does not get the financing from any institution/government. Therefore, the journal is only funded using royalties received from authors/their academic or corporate sponsors.

Processing charge is required to cover the costs associated with editorial and publishing preparation, data exchange with scientometric and bibliographic services, checking for text borrowing and indexing, the publisher's website support, and promotion of articles in the Internet.

As an open access journal, the "Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences" does not require a subscription fee as the articles are freely available through the web portal. The article authors pay a processing fee for their articles. However, the submission fee is not charged. The fee is charged to the authors only after their manuscripts are accepted for publication.

Payment for the article processing is made after the author receives a notification about the acceptance of the article for publication on the basis of the Agreement which the author receives after approval of his/her article for publication in his personal account on the publisher's website. The Agreement should be printed by author, signed personally and by the co-authors (if any), and sent to the editorial office. The author should pay the costs for processing the article in the amount specified in the Agreement.

The processing fee for an article is 70 euros for a volume not exceeding 18,000 characters.

Pay extra for:

  • Figures (photos, diagrams), formulas or tables in the text of the article - plus 20% to the total cost of the article publication.

  • Publication of 1 page (1800 characters) of text over the included volume - 6 Euro.

  • Reception of a printed copy of the journal (excluding postage) - 30 Euro.

  • Professional translation of an article into English - 8 Euro (for 1 page of text - 1800 characters without spaces).

  • Reception of the original review of the article in printed form (excluding postage) - 20 Euro.

Bondarenko Natalia  — Editor-in-chief
North Caucasus Federal University (Theory and History of State and Law, Head of Department)
doctor of philosophical sciences
Academic rank Zasluzhennyy deyatel' nauki i obrazovaniya ,
Osnovatel' nauchnoy shkoly
Russian Federation
Abdulkasimov Ali Abdulkasimovich  — Member of the editorial board
Samarkand State University (Chair Hydrometeorology )
doctor of geographical sciences
Adieva Aynura  — Member of the editorial board
Mezhdunarodnyy universitet Kyrgyzstana ( Rector)
doctor of economic sciences
Atayev Zagir  — Member of the editorial board
Dagestan State Pedagogical University (Department of geography and teaching methods, Vice-rector for Research, Director of the research Institute of biogeography and landscape ecology)
candidate of geographical sciences
Russian Federation
Akhmedova Raziyat  — Member of the editorial board
doctor of philological sciences
Russian Federation
Balabiev Kairat  — Member of the editorial board
Peoples' Friendship University named after Academician A. Kuatbekov (Department of Economics and Law )
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Barlybaeva Saule  — Member of the editorial board
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Journalism faculty )
doctor of historical sciences
Blagun Ivan  — Member of the editorial board
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University ( Dean of the Economics faculty)
doctor of economic sciences
Academic rank Honored worker of science and technology of Ukraine ,
Akademik Akademii ekonomicheskih nauk Ukrainy
Bogolib Tatiana  — Member of the editorial board
Pereyaslav Khmelnytskyj State Pedagogical University ( Dean of Finance and Economics faculty, head of the Department of Finance, money turnover and credit)
doctor of economic sciences
Academic rank Academician of the Academy of economic Sciences of Ukraine
Bolshakov Andrey  — Member of the editorial board
Kazan (Volga) Federal University (Department of social and political Sciences, Head of the Department of conflictology)
doctor of political sciences
Russian Federation
Bulatbaeva Aygul  — Member of the editorial board
doctor of pedagogical sciences
Gaidin Sergey  — Member of the editorial board
Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University (Department of history and political science, Head of the Department)
doctor of historical sciences
Russian Federation
Gurov Valery  — Member of the editorial board
Russian Federation in the field of education (Department of theory and practice of education management, Head of the Department)
doctor of pedagogical sciences
Russian Federation
Dzhansaraeva Rima  — Member of the editorial board
al-Farabi Kazakh national University (Chair of Criminal Law, Criminal Process and Criminalistics, Head of the Chair)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Zhaplova Tatiana  — Member of the editorial board
Orenburg state University (Department of journalism, Head of Department)
doctor of philological sciences
Russian Federation
Zolotukhinа-Abolina Elena Vsevolodovna  — Member of the editorial board
Southern Federal University
doctor of philosophical sciences

Ibragimova Liliya  — Member of the editorial board
Nizhnevartovsk state University (Department of General and Social Pedagogy )
doctor of pedagogical sciences
Russian Federation
Ibraeva Alua  — Member of the editorial board
al-Farabi Kazakh national University (Department of theory and history of state and law, constitutional and administrative law )
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Ivannikov Ivan  — Member of the editorial board
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Sochi Institute (branch) (Department of theory and history of state and law, Dean of the faculty of law)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences ,
doctor of political sciences
Sochi, Krasnodar, Russian Federation
Konstantinova Slavka  — Member of the editorial board
doctor of historical sciences
Korzh Marina  — Member of the editorial board
National Aviation University (Department of Finance, accounting and audit )
doctor of economic sciences
Lewicka Jolanta  — Member of the editorial board
doctor of psychological sciences
Lekerova Gulsim  — Member of the editorial board
M. Auezov South-Kazakhstan State University (Department of psychology and defectology, Head of Department)
doctor of psychological sciences
Meymanov Bakyt  — Member of the editorial board
Institute of continuing open education ( Acting Professor)
doctor of economic sciences
Melnichuk Marina  — Member of the editorial board
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (The Department of English language and professional communication, Head of department)
doctor of economic sciences ,
candidate of pedagogical sciences
Academic rank Honorary worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Moldabek Kulakhmet Moldabekuly  — Member of the editorial board
doctor of pedagogical sciences
Morozova Natalya  — Member of the editorial board
Russian University of cooperation, Volgograd cooperative Institute (branch) (Department of management, technology of trade and public catering )
doctor of economic sciences
docent ,
corresponding member Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Russian Federation
Moskvin Victor  — Member of the editorial board
Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (Department of psychology )
doctor of psychological sciences
Academic rank Honorary worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation ,
Honored worker of science and education of the Russian Academy of natural Sciences
professor ,
academician Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Russian Federation
Navruz-Zoda Bakhtiyor  — Member of the editorial board
Bukhara State University (The Department of Economics in the sphere of service )
doctor of economic sciences
Novikov Alexei  — Member of the editorial board
Research Institute of information technologies of the Federal Penitentiary Service (Department of psychological support of professional activity of employees of the penitentiary system, Chief researcher)
doctor of pedagogical sciences ,
candidate of jurisprudence sciences
Russian Federation
Petrov Vasily Borisovich  — Member of the editorial board
Ural state forest engineering University (Department of social and cultural technologies )
doctor of philological sciences
Russian Federation
Salaev Sanatbek  — Member of the editorial board
Urgench State University (Department of "Professional Education", Dean of the faculty of tourism and economics)
doctor of economic sciences
professor ,
corresponding member Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Safarova Nigora  — Member of the editorial board
doctor of philosophical sciences
Soltanova Nazila  — Member of the editorial board
Institute of Physics of NAS of Azerbaijan ( Leading researcher)
doctor of philosophical sciences ,
candidate of historical sciences
Spasennikov Boris  — Member of the editorial board
Research Institute of information technologies of the Federal Penitentiary Service ( Chief researcher)
doctor of medical sciences ,
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank Winner of the Lomonosov prize
Russian Federation
Suleimanova Rima  — Member of the editorial board
Institute of History, Language and Literature, Ufa Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences (Department of modern history of Bashkortostan, Manageress)
doctor of historical sciences
Academic rank Honored scientist of the Republic of Bashkortostan
Russian Federation
Tereschenko-Kaidan Liliya  — Member of the editorial board
National Academy of sciences management personnel of culture and arts
doctor of philosophical sciences ,
candidate of art criticism
Fazekas Alajos  — Member of the editorial board
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Khurtsidze Tamila  — Member of the editorial board
Akaki Tsereteli State University
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Tsersvadze Mzia  — Member of the editorial board
Akaki Tsereteli State University ( Associate Professor)
doctor of philological sciences
Chiladze George  — Member of the editorial board
Akhaltsikhe State University, Tbilisi State University
doctor of economic sciences ,
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank Honored worker of science and education
professor ,
corresponding member Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Shadiev Rizamat  — Member of the editorial board
Karshi state University (Department "Methods of teaching preschool and primary education", Head of department)
doctor of pedagogical sciences ,
candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
Shhahutova Zarema  — Member of the editorial board
Adyghe state University (Department of pedagogy and pedagogical technologies )
candidate of pedagogical sciences
Russian Federation
Elezović Dalibor  — Member of the editorial board
Pristina University (Department of history )
doctor of historical sciences
Yurova Kseniya  — Member of the editorial board
The international innovative University (Department of state law )
candidate of historical sciences
Russian Federation
Yashkova Tatiana  — Member of the editorial board
Institute of Economics, management and law of the Russian state University for the Humanities (Department of state and municipal administration )
doctor of political sciences
Russian Federation
Premier Publishing s.r.o.

"Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences"

Is founded by Premier Publishing s.r.o., Prague, Czech Republic and is registered in Austria. In 2014 the journal received the international registration number ISSN 2310-5593. 

The ISSN certificate is available on the website.

Frequency of publication 6 issues a year - 1 issue in 2 months.

Language of publication: English, Russian.

Journal is intended for graduate students, postdoctoral student, postgraduate students and researchers from different countries.

The journal publishes materials on the humanities and social sciences.

Main sections of the journal:

  • Art History
  • History
  • Political science
  • Psychology
  • Pedagogy
  • Sociology
  • Philology and Linguistics
  • Philosophy
  • Economics and Management

Part of the printed copies is sent to the National Libraries of Austria and the Czech Republic, as well as to the libraries of major universities.

95% of the members of the editorial board are doctors of sciences from Russia, the CIS, and Europe. This ensures an internationally qualified evaluation of incoming scientific materials.

The purpose of the journal is to promote scientific achievements in the humanities and social sciences, to publish studies, reviews, lectures of graduate students, postdoctoral student, postgraduate students and researchers from different countries.

All articles published in the journal undergo obligatory unilateral blind review by the members of the editorial board.

DOI of the journal https://doi.org/10.29013/AJH

The journal is assigned a Global Impact Factor of 0.128 for 2019.

Six-year Hirsch index  h=15 and more than 1500 citations in international periodicals and monographs. Information about the journal on the Google Academy website: h-index - 15, i10-index - 33.

The journal is hosted and indexed on the portal elibrary.ru, (Contract with OOO "NEB" No. 205-04/2014). At the moment is not listed in the Russian Science Citation Index. The articles are classified by Higher Attestation Commission as foreign publications.

The journal is included in the open citation databases (repositories) of scientific information Cyberleninka, Open Access, as well as fully available on the site in the "Archive" section.

Article submission requirements

When sending an article to the journal, the author should make sure that the article has not been previously published, sent to another publisher, approved by all authors or organizations. You can check the article for originality using the Anti-plagiarism service: http://www.antiplagiat.ru

The originality level of the article should not be lower than 80%.

All submitted materials for publication in the journal must correspond to the following requirements. Articles that do not meet them are not accepted for publication.

The package of documents of the author includes:

•    The article by the author, prepared in accordance with the requirements for submission
•    Application of the author
•    Anti-Plagiarism service report of http://www.antiplagiat.ru
•    Contract of the author

General requirements for submission of the article

The articles are submitted in digital form. The file format is Microsoft Word .doc; .docx; rtf or .odt (Open Document Type). The name of the file includes the name of the journal column (listed at the beginning of the second page) and the name of the author (one of the authors). For example: Sociology-Sviridov.rtf

Paper size: A4. Font: Times New Roman, font size - 14 pt. Line spacing - one and a half. Paragraph indent - 1.25 cm. Margins - bottom, top, left, right - 2 cm. No page numbering. Justified alignment of the main text. Article length is from 20,000 to 40,000 printed characters with spaces.

Text formatting should be simple. In scientific articles avoid highlighting by underlining, capital letters or spacing. Use italics if necessary.

Article structure

The article must include

UDC (Universal Decimal Classifier) should be obtained from the bibliographic section of the university library, information department or found out by using the UDC Referentory: http://teacode.com/online/udc/

Article tittle. Brief and informative, presenting the subject of the article. Use of abbreviations and formulas in the title should be avoided, except for personal names, devices and other objects having corresponding names. It should be typed in capital letters, bold, center alignment.

Author(s) initials and surname. Capital letters, bold. After the article is accepted for publication, the number of authors and their order are not subject to change (addition, deletion, rearrangement).

Place of employment of authors including city and country.

Abstract summary by the authoincludes subsections: objective, research methods, research results, scientific novelty and practical significance. Each section should be separated and begin with a new line. The length of the abstract should not exceed 250 words. There should be no references in the abstract.

Keywords (not less than 3, not more than 8 words or word combinations, usual font, are typed in one line separated by ";").

Text of the article is divided into sections: Introduction, Subject Sections (Main Part) and Summary or Conclusion. Each section should be separated and start with a new line.  Subject sections may include second level subsections. Level 3 subsections are not allowed. Sections are highlighted in bold and aligned by center.

Subsections are italicized, aligned to the left margin.

The text of the article may use marked or numbered lists, which are created by standard means of the text editor.

In the text of the article "guillemets" quotes should be used, if necessary, use double quotation marks inside the quote. The letter "ё" is not used. If abbreviations are present in the text, the first use in parentheses should follow the transcription.

Number of references - from 10 to 60. 
All references in the text should have footnotes designed as quotes.
The reference list should consist of 80% of research on the author's topic published in periodicals, 5-8 sources should be published not earlier than 2014.
The font is a normal, numbered list, enumeration is in order of citation.(not alphabetically?)

Full author details include the following data: 
•    last name, full patronymic name;
•    academic degree;
•    academic title;
•    occupation or profession;
•    place of employment, study (name of institution or organization, including division, department, faculty);
•    address (including postcode) and telephone number of the organization;
•    personal email address (including index) and telephone number; 
•    ORCID identifier of the author (To receive your ORCID, please register at http://orcid.org/)
References and footnotes
References may include:
•    Articles from printed scientific journals (or electronic versions of printed scientific journals);
•    books;
•    monographs;
•    published conference proceedings;
•    patents.
These sources are required to: 
•    Have a clear copyright identity;
•    Be easy to find by search engines (Google, Yandex, Bing, etc.).

The sources are numbered in the order they appear in the text, the source number is enclosed in square brackets. If several sources are referenced, they are listed in square brackets through a semicolon or dash. If a specific page is required, it is placed after the source number by semicolon. For example: [1-4], [2; 7], [5, p. 276].
Page footnotes are brief notes to the text of an article or sources not acceptable for references, such as:
•    Textbooks;
•    Articles from any non-scientific journals;
•    Normative and legislative texts;
•    Statistical collections and archives;
•    Sources without mentioning the author (e.g. edited collections);
•    Electronic resources (electronic journals, online articles, newspaper and any news resources, reports and various studies on websites, sites of institutions and organizations);
•    Dictionaries, encyclopaedias, other directories;
•    Reports, memoirs, notes, reports, protocols.
Page footnotes should be sequentially numbered throughout the article and created using standard text editor tools.
NOTE: Abstracts and dissertations are not included in the references or page footnotes! 

Tables and Figures
All tables and figures should be included in the text and should have a title, through numbering and reference to the source. References to figures and tables are placed in the text in parentheses. 
The word "table" and its serial number are placed in front of the table and aligned to the right margin. On the next line, the table header in bold is placed in the center. Double frames, scanned tables are not allowed.
The source (or sources) of data and, if necessary, notes should be specified under the table.
The header of the figure is placed under the graphic item, put in bold and aligned to the center. Explanations, legends or symbols of constituent parts are placed from a new line and have the usual outline. As with tables, the source (or sources) of data is indicated below.
Drawings, diagrams, charts and other graphic elements are created using software. The use of manually drawn and scanned graphic elements is not allowed.
Make sure that the graphs, diagrams and charts do not have signatures in a language other than the article language.
Mathematical expressions
Mathematical expressions (formulas, equations, functions, etc.) as well as variables in the text should be formatted only in the MathType formula editor and not as images.
Mathematical expressions should be numbered in parentheses to the right if they are referred to later in the text. Explanations of all variables listed in the order in which they appear should be given under each expression.
If the mathematical expressions are given as graphic elements, the explanations are placed in a note to these graphic elements.
Translation of articles
The article shall be translated into English in whole or in part.
In case of partial translation only the Text of the article is not translated. All other elements of the publication are translated into English and placed after the article in Russian. The translation must be done by a competent professional. The use of electronic translators for scientific articles is unacceptable.
In case of full translation, the information in Russian is not duplicated.
Translation of the references should be done as follows:
Except for the source name, it is not translated, but transliterated. In addition, it is necessary to remove characters that are absent in the SCOPUS database, e.g. //, -, character number and add the source language designation in parentheses. We recommend using  http://www.translit.ru for transliteration. In this case the source conversion is performed in two stages. 1). Complete transliteration. 2) Final processing. For example: 
After transliteration:
Kochukova E. V.,  Pavlova O. V., Raftopulo Iu. B. Sistema ekspertnykh otsenok v informatsionnom obespechenii uchenykh // Informatsionnoe obespechenie nauki. Novye tekhnologii: Sb. nauch. tr. M.: Nauchnyi Mir, 2009. S. 190‒199.
After processing (final result):
Kochukova E.V., Pavlova O. V.,  Raftopulo Iu. B. Information Support of Science. New Technologies: Collected papers. Moscow: Nauchnyi Mir, 2009. P.190‒199 (in Russian).

Below is an example of an article that meets all the requirements.

Publishing ethics

Currently, compliance with laws and regulations, principles of publication ethics and relations between the participants of the scientific publishing community play a key role in increasing the number of high-quality scientific publications and successful development of mutual cooperation of authors and publishers.

Editors of the Premier Publishing s.r.o. are guided by the principles of publication ethics, developed on the basis of international standards:

Editorial Board of journals of the Premier Publishing s.r.o. ensures the maintenance of:

  • Ethical Principles of Scientific Publications Authorship;

  • Ethical Principles of Publication Reviewing;

  • Ethical Principles of Editing;

  • Ethical Principles of the Publication of Scientific Articles;

Ethical Principles of Scientific Publications Authorship

Author (a group of authors) realizes that they are responsible for novelty and reliability of research results. This includes following principles:

  • Authors must submit authentic results of the research they carried out. Deliberately falsified or fraudulent arguments are unacceptable;

  • Authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works. Adopted fragments and statements should be appropriately cited or quoted with an indication of an author and an original source. In the case of other work’s fragments usage or appropriations of statements by other authors, this work should have corresponding bibliographic references with mandatory definition of the author and primary source. All articles must be subjected to the checkup by means of the service «Antiplagiat»;

  • The contribution of everyone who in one way or another influenced the process of research must be acknowledged; in particular, the paper must include references to papers that were considered in the study.

  • Authors must not submit to the journal papers that are currently under review at another journal, as well as papers that have already been published in a different journal.

  • Co-authors of the article should include all persons who have implemented significant contributions to the study. Indication of persons who are not involved in the study is unacceptable.

  • Authors are obliged to disclose all conflicts of interest that can influence their manuscript assessment and interpretation. All sources of financial support (grants, governmental programs, projects, etc.) must be disclosed and obligatory listed in the manuscript

  • Authors are required to immediately notify the editor in the event of an error in any work submitted for publication, accepted for publication or already published work, as well as contribute to the editorial correction of the error. If the revision recognizes an error by third parties, the authors should immediately correct the error and provide evidence of its absence.

  • Authors must follow the applicable laws on copyright protection; materials protected by copyright (for example, tables, figures or large quotation) may be reproduced with the permission of their respective owners.

Any violation of copyright will be considered according to COPE algorithm.

Ethical Principles of Publication Reviewing

Reviewers are responsible for academic expertise of copyrighted materials, so their work should be impartial and adhere to the following principles:

  • A paper received for review must be considered as a confidential document that cannot be transferred for information or discussion to third parties that are not authorized by the editorial office.

  • A reviewer must provide an objective and substantiated evaluation of a study’s described results. Personal criticism of the author is unacceptable.

  • Unpublished data received from submitted papers must not be used for personal purposes by the reviewer.

  • The reviewer, who does not regard himself as a specialist in the field considered in the paper or understands that he would not be able to provide a review of the paper within the proposed or mutually agreed time-frame, must inform the Editorial Board about his inability to review the submitted paper as soon as possible.

  • Independent reviewers are informed about the requirements they should meet, and the information on any changes in editorial policy is provided.

Editorial board protects confidentiality of the reviewers’ personal data.

The reviewer is guided by "The Singapore regulations on research integrity" (2010).

Ethical Principles of Editing

The editor is professionally responsible for bringing works of authorship to the public, which requires that they adhere to the following basic principles:

  • Editorial board publishes information materials for authors (the list of the necessary requirements for the articles, the procedure for article consideration and review) in the journal and on the website www.ppublishing.org.

  • Editorial board shall decide on the acceptance or rejection of publications based on the results of the inspection of the manuscript for compliance with the requirements for registration and the results of the review. Editorial board has the right to reject the publication of articles with evidence of slander, insult, plagiarism or copyright violations. The final decision on the publication of an article or refusal of such is accepted by the chief editor of the journal.

  • Editorial board ensures confidentiality, i.e. undertakes not to disclose the submitted manuscript to anyone except the respective authors, reviewers, other editorial advisers and, if required, the publisher.

  • With respect to the materials considered for publication, editorial board selects independent reviewers having enough experience and no conflict of interests.

  • Editorial board shall work to ensure and improve the quality of published materials, meet the needs of readers and authors, make a significant contribution to the development of national and foreign science.

  • Principles of editorial activities include: relevancy, importance, clarity, reliability, validity of research materials.

  • Thoroughness, fairness, uniqueness, fullness of submissions, balance, originality, and clarity are adopted as the main indicators of high quality of published research materials.

  • Editorial Board is working to attract and recruit in the staff of the editorial board highly qualified professionals, actively contributing to the development of the journal.

  • Editorial board is constantly improving the processes of reviewing, editing and publication evaluation by experts.

  • Editorial board ensures careful consideration of publications for image manipulation, plagiarism, duplicate or redundant publication.

  • Editorial Board shall decide on the acceptance or rejection of an article for publication on the basis of all the comments of independent reviewers in general. The final editorial decision and the reasons for its adoption is reported to the authors.

  • Editorial board shall promptly consider each claim for unethical behavior of the authors of manuscripts and already published articles, regardless of the time of their delivery. It shall undertake appropriate reasonable measures in respect of such claims. In case the claim arguments are confirmed, the editors have the right to reject publication of the article, cease further cooperation with the author, publish a retraction, and take other necessary measures to further curb unethical behaviour of this author.

Ethical Principles of the Publication of Scientific Articles

Publisher carries liability for publishing author’s works; that leads to the necessity to follow the next main principles and procedures:

  • Publisher has a supporting, investing and nurturing role in the scholarly communication process but is also ultimately responsible for ensuring that best practice is followed in its publications.

  • Publisher takes its duties of guardianship over the scholarly record extremely seriously. Our journal programmes record «the minutes of science» and we recognise our responsibilities as the keeper of those «minutes» in all our policies not least the ethical guidelines that we have here adopted.Publisher should take reasonably responsive measures when ethical complaints have been presented concerning a submitted manuscript or published paper, in conjunction with the publisher (or society). Such measures will generally include contacting the author of the manuscript or paper and giving due consideration of the respective complaint or claims made, but may also include further communications to the relevant institutions and research bodies.

  • Publisher should support the journal’s editorial board in consideration of claims to ethic aspects of publishing materials and help to interact with other journals and/or publishers, if it is a responsibility of the editors.

  • Publisher should achive well-timed pubpication of journal.

  • Publisher strives to remove advertising, reprinting, and other commercial influences from the journal editorial board decision-making;

  • Publisher promotes cooperation with publishing houses and trade publishers in many fields.

Declaration on conflict of interest

Authors must disclose conflicts of interests that could affect the evaluation and interpretation of their manuscript, as well as the sources of financial support for the project (grants, state programs, projects, etc.), which should be necessarily indicated in the manuscript.

With respect to the materials considered for publication editorial board selects independent reviewers having enough experience and no conflict of interests.

Reviewers have no right to use unpublished manuscript materials in their own research without the express written consent of the author. The reviewer is obliged to refrain from examining the manuscript, in connection with which he has a conflict of interests because of the competitive, cooperative or other relationship with the author or organization related to the manuscript.

Premier Publishing s.r.o., being the founder of the Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, is an independent international publisher of open access, peer-reviewed journals committed to disseminating the fruits of latest research to the global community as widely as possible. In keeping with that commitment, we offer the following policy:

  • All Journal content is freely and openly available after publication on the Premier Publishing s.r.o. website https://ppublishing.org and on the journal website https://ajh.ppublishing.org

  • All articles can be read, downloaded, copied, distributed, printed, searched, or linked to in Premier Publishing s.r.o.  journals without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author but retaining full copyright and indicating the correct link to the journal website

The policy will apply to all academic articles published in Premier Publishing s.r.o. and in the Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, except for any articles completed before the adoption of this policy.

The procedure for submission and publication of academic articles and dissemination

1. Academic articles in the following branches: Art History and Cultural Studies, History, Political Science, Psychology, Pedagogy, Sociology, Philosophy, Philology and Linguistics, Economics and Management, Science of Law are published in Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences.

The article selection criteria are the compliance with the journal profile, novelty, relevancy and validity of the results. The submitted manuscripts are not sent back. It is not allowed to submit to the editorial office the research materials that have been published and/or accepted for publication at another publisher. By submitting an article to the editorial board, the author agrees to editor's alteration of the material.

2. The issue of the journal is composed by the editorial board of the journal which consists of Russian and foreign experts. The journal is published by the editorial staff of the journal.

3. The journal is peer-reviewed. The recognized qualified Russian and foreign experts in the relevant field of expertise act as reviewers.

4. The editorial board reviews all research materials, monitors compliance of the article submission guidelines by authors.

5. Authors, reviewers, editorial board and editorial staff of the journal shall comply with the provisions of the Ethics of Scientific Publications.

6. The editorial board does not edit the title and text of the research material, as well as the references. All responsibility for the correctness of references rests with the author.

7. When the issue of the journal is composed, preference is given to the materials that:
- correspond to the thematic profile and headings of the journal;
- contain a clear description of the problem and a reasoned author's variant of its solution;
- are original (prepared by the authors independently and not previously published);
- are of a research novelty (are based on the results of their own academic studies and present new academic knowledge);
- have an academic voice (general language literacy, logicality, consistency, clarity, specific terminology, the presence of references, etc.);

8. The article is submitted to the editorial office of the journal by e-mail (by means of personal account on the website of the journal https://ajh.ppublishing.org). It is drawn up in accordance with the requirements for academic articles.

9. After registration, the article is sent for the initial assessment to the chief editor (assistant chief editor) who appoints the reviewers for the article.

10. The single-blind peer review is performed in the journal. The authors of the article and their regalia are visible to the reviewer.

11. After conducting an expert assessment of the article, the reviewer sends a completed review to the editorial office.

12. The decision to publish an article is made by the editorial board of the journal depending on the results of peer review and verification of the text of the manuscript for originality using specialized software.

If the originality of the text is below 80% (while the borrowings must be correctly formatted), the article is rejected.

No more than two articles of one author including the ones written in collaboration can be published in one issue of the journal.

13. The editorial board of the journal sends to the author(s) the e-mail about the decision taken with respect to the article: to publish, to publish after revision. The recommendations for revision are given in the letter.

The editorial board sends the article revised by the author on the recommendation of the reviewer to the same reviewer to be re-reviewed.

If the decision to reject the publication is made, the reasons for such a decision shall be indicated. If the author does not agree with the decision of the publisher to reject the publication, the author must advance arguments for each rejected clause and the new reviewer will be assigned to review the article. A double-rejected article cannot be resubmitted to the publisher.

14. If the article is recommended for publication, it undergoes the editorial preparation - technical and literary editing, and proofreading. The final version of the article prepared for publication is agreed with the author(s), if necessary

If the article is recommended for publication, it undergoes editorial training - technical and literary editing, proofreading. The final version of the article prepared for publication, if necessary, is agreed with the author(s).

15. The next issue of the journal will include the articles in relation to which, by the time the page makeup starts (in accordance with the production schedule), there are reviews agreed with the author(s) that recommend publication.

16. The journal is published   bimonthly. 6 issues of the journal are published per year.

17. The authors of articles and members of the editorial board will receive the issue of the journal in electronic form (by e-mail).

18. The copyright for all materials published in the journal belongs to the authors, founder and publisher.

19. The authors guarantee to the journal the right to reproduce unique materials in their work. In case of unauthorized use by authors of materials, the rights to which belong to third persons, the authors of the manuscript are responsible for their reproduction.

All incoming articles that correspond to the theme and profile of the journal are peer-reviewed in the journal "Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences".

The reviewers are Russian and foreign Candidates and Doctors of Sciences in a particular area of expertise who have prepared their own reviewing articles over the past 5 years.

1) Single-blind peer review.

2) The academic supervisor’s opinion for the acceptance of material is not required.

3) No fee is charged for reviewing (unless the author requires the original printed review signed and stamped by the publisher).

4) The editorial staff provides reviewing of all scientific materials, monitors the observance of the article submission guidelines by the authors.

5) Authors, reviewers, editorial staff and journal staff comply with the provisions of the Scientific Publication Ethics.

6) The editorial staff does not edit the title and the text of scientific material, and the references. The author bears full responsibility for the correctness of the references.

7) The chief editor assesses the materials received for publication for compliance with the profile of the journal, with the submission requirements and formal requirements to publication. The editor appoints the reviewer.

8) The author receives the confirmation that the article is accepted for review. Review period is up to 15 business days. During this time, a notification about the results of the review and a review of the article will be sent to the author by e-mail.

9) The author or co-author of the article, academic supervisor or consultant cannot be as the reviewer of the article.

10) The reviewers are notified that the submitted manuscripts are considered as the intellectual property of the authors and the information is not subject to disclosure. It is not allowed to reproduce copy of the articles.

11) The reviewer gives an expert opinion in any convenient form and conducts a mandatory assessment of the following article parameters:

  • Relevance for sciences according to the nomenclature of specialties of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles;

  • Interest to the journal (relevance of the subject matter);

  • Scientific quality of the manuscript;

  • Scientific novelty;

  • Theoretical and/or practical significance;

  • Compliance of the references with the relevance of subject matter;

  • Mandatory (desirable) changes.

12) The decision to publish the article is made by the editorial staff of the journal depending on the results of reviewing and verification of the manuscript text for originality using specialized software. If the originality of the text is below 80% (the borrowings must be correctly executed), the article will be rejected.

13) No more than two articles of one author including the ones written in collaboration can be published in one issue of the journal.

14) The editorial staff of the journal will send to the author(s) the e-mail letter about the decision taken with respect to the article: to publish/ to publish after revision. The recommendations for revision are given in the letter.

The editorial staff will send the article revised by the author on the recommendation of the reviewer to the same reviewer to be re-reviewed.

If the decision to reject the publication is made, the reasons for such a decision shall be indicated. If the author does not agree with the decision of the publisher to reject the publication, the author must advance arguments for each rejected clause and the new reviewer will be assigned to review the article. A double-rejected article cannot be resubmitted to the publisher.

15) If the article is recommended for publication, it undergoes the editorial preparation - technical and literary editing, and proofreading. The final version of the article prepared for publication is agreed with the author(s), if necessary.

16) Time limits of article publication are minimum 2 months and maximum 6 months.

"Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences" publishes articles of full open access. The scientific community and the wide audience can have unlimited and immediate access to all content published in our journals, free of charge, as soon as it is published in the Internet.

"Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences" does not get the financing from any institution/government. Therefore, the journal is only funded using royalties received from authors/their academic or corporate sponsors.

Processing charge is required to cover the costs associated with editorial and publishing preparation, data exchange with scientometric and bibliographic services, checking for text borrowing and indexing, the publisher's website support, and promotion of articles in the Internet.

As an open access journal, the "Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences" does not require a subscription fee as the articles are freely available through the web portal. The article authors pay a processing fee for their articles. However, the submission fee is not charged. The fee is charged to the authors only after their manuscripts are accepted for publication.

Payment for the article processing is made after the author receives a notification about the acceptance of the article for publication on the basis of the Agreement which the author receives after approval of his/her article for publication in his personal account on the publisher's website. The Agreement should be printed by author, signed personally and by the co-authors (if any), and sent to the editorial office. The author should pay the costs for processing the article in the amount specified in the Agreement.

The processing fee for an article is 70 euros for a volume not exceeding 18,000 characters.

Pay extra for:

  • Figures (photos, diagrams), formulas or tables in the text of the article - plus 20% to the total cost of the article publication.

  • Publication of 1 page (1800 characters) of text over the included volume - 6 Euro.

  • Reception of a printed copy of the journal (excluding postage) - 30 Euro.

  • Professional translation of an article into English - 8 Euro (for 1 page of text - 1800 characters without spaces).

  • Reception of the original review of the article in printed form (excluding postage) - 20 Euro.

6 issues per year

                        BADASHKEEV Mikhail V
BADASHKEEV Mikhail V “Bohan District Hospital”

                        BADASHKEEVA Marina A
BADASHKEEVA Marina A “Bohan Pedagogical College named after D. Banzarov.”

                        Prilipko Tatyana N
Prilipko Tatyana N Podilskyi State Agrarian and Engineering University

                        Koval Tatyana V
Koval Tatyana V Podolsk State Agrarian and Technical University

                        SMAKOVSKAYA Natalya I
SMAKOVSKAYA Natalya I Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation

                        GORBATA Lyudmila P
GORBATA Lyudmila P National University of Biological Resources and Nature Management of Ukraine

                        LUKHUTASHVILI Nana
LUKHUTASHVILI Nana Akaki Tsereteli State University

                        VALISHVILI Tea
VALISHVILI Tea Akaki Tsereteli State University

                        DENOSASHVILI Mariam
DENOSASHVILI Mariam Akaki Tsereteli State University

                        OTESHOVA Almagul Kairgalikyzy
OTESHOVA Almagul Kairgalikyzy Kazakh-Russian International University of Aktobe

                        SAGITULY Gaziz
SAGITULY Gaziz Shanghai Jiaotong University, Xuhui District

                        KAIYRGALI Akgul Kaiyrgalikyzy
KAIYRGALI Akgul Kaiyrgalikyzy M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University Aktobe

                        RUSTAMOV Davron Rustamovich
RUSTAMOV Davron Rustamovich Tashkent Institute of Finance

                        UMAROV Zafar A
UMAROV Zafar A Tashkent Institute of Finance

                        TOSHPULATOVA Shakhrizoda Sh
TOSHPULATOVA Shakhrizoda Sh Tashkent Institute of Finance

                        KALBIZADA E H
KALBIZADA E H Azerbaijan National Academy of Science

                        VAKULENKO Yu V
VAKULENKO Yu V Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

                        URAZOVA M R
URAZOVA M R Non-governmental educational organization “Leader”

                        ZAPOTICHNA R A
ZAPOTICHNA R A Lviv State University of Internal Affairs

Bondarenko Natalia  — Editor-in-chief
North Caucasus Federal University (Theory and History of State and Law, Head of Department)
doctor of philosophical sciences
Academic rank Zasluzhennyy deyatel' nauki i obrazovaniya Osnovatel' nauchnoy shkoly
Russian Federation
Abdulkasimov Ali Abdulkasimovich  — Member of the editorial board
Samarkand State University (Chair Hydrometeorology )
doctor of geographical sciences

Adieva Aynura  — Member of the editorial board
Mezhdunarodnyy universitet Kyrgyzstana ( Rector)
doctor of economic sciences

Atayev Zagir  — Member of the editorial board
Dagestan State Pedagogical University (Department of geography and teaching methods, Vice-rector for Research, Director of the research Institute of biogeography and landscape ecology)
candidate of geographical sciences

Russian Federation
Akhmedova Raziyat  — Member of the editorial board
doctor of philological sciences

Russian Federation
Balabiev Kairat  — Member of the editorial board
Peoples' Friendship University named after Academician A. Kuatbekov (Department of Economics and Law )
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Barlybaeva Saule  — Member of the editorial board
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Journalism faculty )
doctor of historical sciences

Blagun Ivan  — Member of the editorial board
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University ( Dean of the Economics faculty)
doctor of economic sciences
Academic rank Honored worker of science and technology of Ukraine Akademik Akademii ekonomicheskih nauk Ukrainy
Bogolib Tatiana  — Member of the editorial board
Pereyaslav Khmelnytskyj State Pedagogical University ( Dean of Finance and Economics faculty, head of the Department of Finance, money turnover and credit)
doctor of economic sciences
Academic rank Academician of the Academy of economic Sciences of Ukraine
Bolshakov Andrey  — Member of the editorial board
Kazan (Volga) Federal University (Department of social and political Sciences, Head of the Department of conflictology)
doctor of political sciences

Russian Federation
Bulatbaeva Aygul  — Member of the editorial board
doctor of pedagogical sciences

Gaidin Sergey  — Member of the editorial board
Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University (Department of history and political science, Head of the Department)
doctor of historical sciences

Russian Federation
Gurov Valery  — Member of the editorial board
Russian Federation in the field of education (Department of theory and practice of education management, Head of the Department)
doctor of pedagogical sciences

Russian Federation
Dzhansaraeva Rima  — Member of the editorial board
al-Farabi Kazakh national University (Chair of Criminal Law, Criminal Process and Criminalistics, Head of the Chair)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Zhaplova Tatiana  — Member of the editorial board
Orenburg state University (Department of journalism, Head of Department)
doctor of philological sciences

Russian Federation
Zolotukhinа-Abolina Elena Vsevolodovna  — Member of the editorial board
Southern Federal University
doctor of philosophical sciences

Ibragimova Liliya  — Member of the editorial board
Nizhnevartovsk state University (Department of General and Social Pedagogy )
doctor of pedagogical sciences

Russian Federation
Ibraeva Alua  — Member of the editorial board
al-Farabi Kazakh national University (Department of theory and history of state and law, constitutional and administrative law )
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Ivannikov Ivan  — Member of the editorial board
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Sochi Institute (branch) (Department of theory and history of state and law, Dean of the faculty of law)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences ,
doctor of political sciences

Sochi, Krasnodar, Russian Federation
Konstantinova Slavka  — Member of the editorial board
doctor of historical sciences

Korzh Marina  — Member of the editorial board
National Aviation University (Department of Finance, accounting and audit )
doctor of economic sciences

Lewicka Jolanta  — Member of the editorial board
doctor of psychological sciences

Lekerova Gulsim  — Member of the editorial board
M. Auezov South-Kazakhstan State University (Department of psychology and defectology, Head of Department)
doctor of psychological sciences

Meymanov Bakyt  — Member of the editorial board
Institute of continuing open education ( Acting Professor)
doctor of economic sciences

Melnichuk Marina  — Member of the editorial board
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (The Department of English language and professional communication, Head of department)
doctor of economic sciences ,
candidate of pedagogical sciences
Academic rank Honorary worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Moldabek Kulakhmet Moldabekuly  — Member of the editorial board
doctor of pedagogical sciences

Morozova Natalya  — Member of the editorial board
Russian University of cooperation, Volgograd cooperative Institute (branch) (Department of management, technology of trade and public catering )
doctor of economic sciences

docent ,
corresponding member Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Russian Federation
Moskvin Victor  — Member of the editorial board
Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (Department of psychology )
doctor of psychological sciences
Academic rank Honorary worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation Honored worker of science and education of the Russian Academy of natural Sciences
professor ,
academician Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Russian Federation
Navruz-Zoda Bakhtiyor  — Member of the editorial board
Bukhara State University (The Department of Economics in the sphere of service )
doctor of economic sciences

Novikov Alexei  — Member of the editorial board
Research Institute of information technologies of the Federal Penitentiary Service (Department of psychological support of professional activity of employees of the penitentiary system, Chief researcher)
doctor of pedagogical sciences ,
candidate of jurisprudence sciences

Russian Federation
Petrov Vasily Borisovich  — Member of the editorial board
Ural state forest engineering University (Department of social and cultural technologies )
doctor of philological sciences

Russian Federation
Salaev Sanatbek  — Member of the editorial board
Urgench State University (Department of "Professional Education", Dean of the faculty of tourism and economics)
doctor of economic sciences

professor ,
corresponding member Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Safarova Nigora  — Member of the editorial board
doctor of philosophical sciences

Soltanova Nazila  — Member of the editorial board
Institute of Physics of NAS of Azerbaijan ( Leading researcher)
doctor of philosophical sciences ,
candidate of historical sciences

Spasennikov Boris  — Member of the editorial board
Research Institute of information technologies of the Federal Penitentiary Service ( Chief researcher)
doctor of medical sciences ,
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank Winner of the Lomonosov prize
Russian Federation
Suleimanova Rima  — Member of the editorial board
Institute of History, Language and Literature, Ufa Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences (Department of modern history of Bashkortostan, Manageress)
doctor of historical sciences
Academic rank Honored scientist of the Republic of Bashkortostan
Russian Federation
Tereschenko-Kaidan Liliya  — Member of the editorial board
National Academy of sciences management personnel of culture and arts
doctor of philosophical sciences ,
candidate of art criticism

Fazekas Alajos  — Member of the editorial board
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Khurtsidze Tamila  — Member of the editorial board
Akaki Tsereteli State University
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Tsersvadze Mzia  — Member of the editorial board
Akaki Tsereteli State University ( Associate Professor)
doctor of philological sciences

Chiladze George  — Member of the editorial board
Akhaltsikhe State University, Tbilisi State University
doctor of economic sciences ,
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank Honored worker of science and education
professor ,
corresponding member Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Shadiev Rizamat  — Member of the editorial board
Karshi state University (Department "Methods of teaching preschool and primary education", Head of department)
doctor of pedagogical sciences ,
candidate of physical and mathematical sciences

Shhahutova Zarema  — Member of the editorial board
Adyghe state University (Department of pedagogy and pedagogical technologies )
candidate of pedagogical sciences

Russian Federation
Elezović Dalibor  — Member of the editorial board
Pristina University (Department of history )
doctor of historical sciences

Yurova Kseniya  — Member of the editorial board
The international innovative University (Department of state law )
candidate of historical sciences

Russian Federation
Yashkova Tatiana  — Member of the editorial board
Institute of Economics, management and law of the Russian state University for the Humanities (Department of state and municipal administration )
doctor of political sciences

Russian Federation


Code 07.00.00
Name История и археология
Code 08.00.05
Name Экономика и управление народным хозяйством
Code 10.02.2014
Name Классическая филология, византийская и новогреческая филология
Code 10.02.2021
Name Прикладная и математическая лингвистика
Code 12.00.00
Name Юриспруденция
Code 13.00.00
Name Педагогика
Code 17.00.00
Name Искусствоведение
Code 19.00.00
Name Психология
Code 22.00.00
Name Социология
Code 23.00.00
Name Политология
Code 23.00.01
Name Теория и философия политики, история и методология политической науки

Journal's mission

"Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences"

Is founded by Premier Publishing s.r.o., Prague, Czech Republic and is registered in Austria. In 2014 the journal received the international registration number ISSN 2310-5593. 

The ISSN certificate is available on the website.

Frequency of publication 6 issues a year - 1 issue in 2 months.

Language of publication: English, Russian.

Journal is intended for graduate students, postdoctoral student, postgraduate students and researchers from different countries.

The journal publishes materials on the humanities and social sciences.

Main sections of the journal:

  • Art History
  • History
  • Political science
  • Psychology
  • Pedagogy
  • Sociology
  • Philology and Linguistics
  • Philosophy
  • Economics and Management

Part of the printed copies is sent to the National Libraries of Austria and the Czech Republic, as well as to the libraries of major universities.

95% of the members of the editorial board are doctors of sciences from Russia, the CIS, and Europe. This ensures an internationally qualified evaluation of incoming scientific materials.

The purpose of the journal is to promote scientific achievements in the humanities and social sciences, to publish studies, reviews, lectures of graduate students, postdoctoral student, postgraduate students and researchers from different countries.

All articles published in the journal undergo obligatory unilateral blind review by the members of the editorial board.

DOI of the journal https://doi.org/10.29013/AJH

The journal is assigned a Global Impact Factor of 0.128 for 2019.

Six-year Hirsch index  h=15 and more than 1500 citations in international periodicals and monographs. Information about the journal on the Google Academy website: h-index - 15, i10-index - 33.

The journal is hosted and indexed on the portal elibrary.ru, (Contract with OOO "NEB" No. 205-04/2014). At the moment is not listed in the Russian Science Citation Index. The articles are classified by Higher Attestation Commission as foreign publications.

The journal is included in the open citation databases (repositories) of scientific information Cyberleninka, Open Access, as well as fully available on the site in the "Archive" section.

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